Exodus 32:14-35

De 32:26; 2Sa 24:16; 1Ch 21:15; Ps 106:45; Jer 18:8; 26:13,19

Joe 2:13; Jon 3:10; 4:2


24:18; De 9:15

the testimony.

16:34; 40:20; De 5:22; Ps 19:7


Re 5:1

31:18; 34:1,4; De 9:9-11,15; 10:1; 2Co 3:3,7; Heb 8:10
Joshua had waited patiently during all the forty days, in the place where Moses had left him--below the summit of the mount, at a distance from the people, and out of the way of temptation.


17:9; 24:13

they shouted.

18; Ezr 3:11-13; Ps 47:1

There is a noise.

Jos 6:5,10,16,20; Jud 15:14; 1Sa 4:5,6; 17:20,52; Job 39:25

Jer 51:14; Am 1:14; 2:2

being overcome. Heb. weakness. but the.

15:1-18; Da 5:4,23

he saw.

4-6; De 9:16,17

the dancing.

15:20; 2Sa 6:14; La 5:15


11; Nu 12:3; Mt 5:22; Mr 3:5; 10:14; Eph 4:26

brake them.

De 9:17; 27:26; Jer 31:32; Zec 11:10,11,14

took the calf.How truly contemptible must the object of their idolatry appear, when they were obliged to drink their god, reduced to powder, and strewed on the water! Some have asked, how gold, the most ductile and ponderous of all metals, could have been stamped into dust, and strewed on the water. In De 9:21, this is fully explained. I took, says Moses, your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with fire; that is, melted it down, probably into ingots or gross plates, and stamped it, beat it into thin laminæ, something like our gold leaf, and ground it very small, even until it was as small as dust, which might be very easily done by the action of the hands, when beat into thin plates or leaves as the original words {ekkoth,} and {dak,} imply.

De 7:5,25; 9:21; 2Ki 23:6,15

made the.

Pr 1:31; 14:14

Ge 20:9; 26:10; De 13:6-8; 1Sa 26:19; Jos 7:19-26; 1Ki 14:16; 21:22

2Ki 21:9-11


14:11; 15:24; 16:2-4,20,28; 17:2-4; De 9:7,24

that they are.

De 31:27; 1Sa 15:24; Ps 36:4; Pr 4:16


So they.

4; Ge 3:12,13; Lu 10:29; Ro 3:10

naked.The term naked may mean either that they were unarmed and defenceless, or ashamed from the consciousness of guilt.

33:4-6; Ge 3:10; Isa 47:3; Ho 2:3; Mic 1:11; Re 3:17,18; 16:15


De 9:20; 2Ch 28:19


Eze 16:63; Da 12:2; Ro 6:21

their enemies. Heb. those that rose up against them.

Who is on.

Jos 5:13; 2Sa 20:11; 2Ki 9:32; Mt 12:30

slay every man.

26,29; Nu 25:5,7-12; De 33:8,9; Lu 14:26; 2Co 5:16


De 33:9; Mal 2:4-6

there fell.

Nu 16:32-35,41; 1Co 10:8; Heb 2:2,3
Or, another reading of this verse is: And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to the Lord; because every man hath been against his son and against his brother, etc.


Nu 25:11-13; De 13:6-11; 33:9,10; 1Sa 15:18-22; Pr 21:3

Joe 2:12-14; Zec 13:3; Mt 10:37

Consecrate. Heb. fill your hands.

Ye have.

31; 1Sa 2:17; 12:20,23; 2Sa 12:9; 2Ki 17:21; Lu 7:47; 15:18


2Sa 16:12; Am 5:15; Jon 3:9; 2Ti 2:25

an atonement.

32; Nu 16:47; 25:13; Job 42:7,8; Ro 9:3; Ga 3:13; Jas 5:16


34:28; De 9:18,19


30; Ezr 9:6,7,15; Ne 9:33; Da 9:5,8,11



if thou.

Nu 14:19; Da 9:18,19; Am 7:2; Lu 23:34

blot me.Allusion may be made to the registry of births, in which those born of a particular tribe were entered in the list of their respective families under that tribe. This was the book of life; and when any died, his name might be considered as blotted out of this list. But as Moses addressed the Lord, he undoubtedly referred, by faith, to the book of God's remembrance.

10; De 9:14; 25:19; 29:20; Ps 56:8; 69:28; 139:16; Eze 13:9

Da 12:1; Ro 9:3; Php 4:3; Re 3:5; 17:8; 21:27; 22:19


Le 23:30; Ps 69:28; Eze 18:4

my book.

Ps 109:13,14; Php 4:3; Re 13:8; 20:12

mine Angel.

23:20; 33:2,14,15; Nu 20:16; Isa 63:9

the day.

20:5; Nu 14:27-30; De 32:35; Jer 5:9,29; Am 3:14; Mt 23:35

Ro 2:4-6

25; 2Sa 12:9,10; Mt 27:3-7; Ac 1:18; 7:41
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