Exodus 35:22

bracelets.{Chach,} either a hook or clasp to join garments together; {fibula,} as Montanus renders; or bracelets, which are hooked or clasped together; so Vulgate, {armillas.}

32:3; Nu 31:50; Isa 3:19; Eze 16:11

tablets.{Kumoz,} as Bochart thinks, a kind of girdle, swathe, or zone.

every man.

1Ch 29:6,7; 2Ch 24:9-14; Ezr 2:68,69; Ne 7:70-72; Isa 60:9,13

Mt 2:11; Mr 12:41-44

Deuteronomy 29:11-12


5:14; Ex 12:38,48,49; Nu 11:4

the hewer.

Jos 9:21-27; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11

thou shouldest.

5:2,3; Ex 19:5,6; Jos 24:25; 2Ki 11:17; 2Ch 15:12-15

enter. Heb. pass.This is an allusion to the solemn ceremony used by several ancient nations, when they entered into a covenant with each other. The victims, slain as a sacrifice on this occasion, were divided, and and parts laid asunder: the contracting parties then passed between them, imprecating, as a curse on those who violated the sacred compact, that they might in like manner be cut asunder. (Ge 15:10.) St. Cyril, in his work against Julian, shows that passing between the divided parts of a victim was used also among the Chaldeans and other people.

into his oath.

14; 2Ch 15:12-15; Ne 10:28,29

Deuteronomy 31:11-12

to appear.

16:16,17; Ex 23:16,17; 34:24; Ps 84:7

in the place.


thou. shalt read.

Jos 8:34,35; 2Ki 23:2; Ne 8:1-8,13,18; 9:3; Lu 4:16,17; Ac 13:15

Ac 15:21




6:6,7; Ezr 10:1; Ps 19:7-11; Joh 5:39; 2Ti 3:15-17

that they may.

29:29; Ps 34:11-14

2 Samuel 6:19

he dealt.

1Ch 16:3; 2Ch 30:24; 35:7,8,12,13; Ne 8:10; Eze 45:17; Ac 20:35

Eph 4:8

So all the.

1Ki 8:66; 2Ch 7:10

Acts 8:3

7:58; 9:1-13,21; 22:3,4; 26:9-11; 1Co 15:9; Ga 1:13; Php 3:6

1Ti 1:13

Acts 8:12

they believed.

35-38; 2:38,41; 16:14,15,31-34; Mt 28:19; Mr 16:15; Ro 10:10

1Pe 3:21


1:3; 11:20; 20:21,25; 28:31; Lu 9:2,60


5:14; 1Co 11:11; Ga 3:28

Acts 9:2


14; 7:19; 22:5; 26:12; Es 3:8-13; Ps 82:2-4

the synagogues.

6:9; 13:14,15; 28:17-21

of this way. Gr. of the way.

19:9,23; 22:5; 28:22

Acts 22:4

I persecuted.

19,20; 7:58; 8:1-4; 9:1,2,13,14,21; 26:9-11; 1Co 15:9; Php 3:6

1Ti 1:13-15


16:17; 18:26; 19:9,23; 24:14
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