Exodus 37:23

25:37; Nu 8:2; Zec 4:2; Re 1:12,20; 2:1; 4:5; 5:5

Numbers 7:13-14


Ex 25:29; 37:16; 1Ki 7:43,45; 2Ki 25:14,15; Ezr 1:9,10; 8:25

Jer 52:19; Da 5:2; Zec 14:20; Mt 14:8,11

the shekel.

Ex 30:13; Le 27:3,25

a meat offering.

Le 2:1


4:7; Ex 37:16; 1Ki 7:50; 2Ki 25:14,15; 2Ch 4:22; 24:14


Ex 30:7,8,34-38; 35:8

1 Kings 7:48-51

the altar.

Ex 30:1-5; 37:25-28; 39:38; 40:26; 2Ch 4:19

the table.

Ex 25:23-30; 37:10-16; 39:36; 40:22,23; Le 24:5-9; 2Ch 4:8

Eze 40:39,42; 41:22; 44:16; Mal 1:12; 1Co 10:21

the candlesticks.

Ex 25:31-40; 37:17-24; 39:37; 40:24,25; 2Ch 4:7; Zec 4:1-3,11-14

Mt 5:14-16; Re 1:20; 2:1

before the oracle.

2Ch 4:20

the tongs.

Ex 25:38; Nu 4:9


Ex 25:29; Nu 7:86

censers. Heb. ash pans.

Le 16:12; 2Ch 4:21,22

was ended.

Ex 40:33; Ezr 6:15; Zec 4:9

Solomon brought. It appears, therefore, that Solomon did not use any of the gold and silver in the structure of the temple which his father had provided.

things which David his father had dedicated. Heb. holythings of David.

2Sa 8:7-11; 1Ch 18:7,8,10,11; 26:26-28; 28:11-18; 29:2-8; 2Ch 5:1

2 Chronicles 24:14

vessels of the house.

2Ki 12:13,14

vessels to minister.

1Ki 7:50

to offer withal. or, pestils.

Pr 27:22

And they offered.It appears from this, that the daily morning and evening sacrifices had been previously intermitted; and that they were again neglected after the death of Jehoiada.

Ex 29:38-42; Nu 28:2-29:40

all the days.


Ezra 1:9-11

chargers of gold.

Nu 7:13,19-89; 1Ki 7:50; 2Ch 4:8,11,21,22; 24:14; Mt 14:8


Mt 10:29-31


the vessels.

Ro 9:23; 2Ti 2:19-21

five thousand.Instead of 5,400, the enumeration of the articles in ver. 9, 10, only amounts to 2,499; but in the account, Esdras 2:13, 14, the amount is 5,469, as will be evident from the following statements: In Ezra. In Esdras. Gold chargers..... 30 Gold cups......... 1,000 Silver ditto...... 1,000 Silver cups....... 1,000 Knives............ 29 Silver censers.... 29 Gold basons....... 30 Gold vials........ 30 Silver ditto...... 410 Silver vials...... 2,410 Other vessels..... 1,000 Other vessels..... 1,000 _____ _____ Said to be........ 5,400 Total............. 5,469 But only.......... 2,499 _____ _____ Deficiency........ 2,901 Surplus........... 69 It is supposed that they actually amounted to 5,400, but that only the chief of them were specified, the spoons, etc. being omitted.

captivity. Heb. transportation.

Mt 1:11,12

Daniel 5:2-3

Belshazzar.Belshazzar is said by Josephus to be the same as Naboandelus, the Nabonadius of Ptolemy, and the Labynetus of Herodotus. He reigned seven years, during which time he was engaged in unsuccessful wars with the Medes and Persians; and at this very time was besieged by Cyrus.

the golden.

1:2; 2Ki 24:13; 25:15; 2Ch 36:10,18; Ezr 1:7-11; Jer 27:16-22

Jer 52:19

father. or, grandfather.

11,13,18; 2Sa 9:7; 2Ki 8:25-27; 2Ch 11:20; 15:16; Jer 27:7

taken out. Chal. brought forth. might.


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