Exodus 4:10

eloquent. Heb. a man of words.

1; Job 12:2; 1Co 2:1-4; 2Co 10:10; 11:6

heretofore. Heb since yesterday, nor since the third day.slow of speech.

6:12; Jer 1:6; Ac 7:22

Exodus 4:13


1; 23:20; Ge 24:7; 48:16; Jud 2:1; 1Ki 19:4; Jer 1:6; 20:9

Eze 3:14,15; Jon 1:3,6; Mt 13:41; Joh 6:29

wilt send. or, shouldest.

Psalms 110:1

1 The kingdom;

4 the priesthood;

5 the conquest;

7 and the passion of Christ.

A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.)This Psalm was probably composed by David after Nathan's prophetic address; and, from the grandeur of the subject and the sublimity of the expressions, it is evident that it can only refer, as the ancient Jews fully acknowledged, to the royal dignity, priesthood, victories, and triumphs of the MESSIAH.

The Lord.

8:1; Mt 22:42-46; Mr 12:35-37; Lu 22:41


Mr 16:19; Ac 2:34; Eph 1:20-22; Heb 12:2; 1Pe 3:22


2:6-9; 45:6,7; 1Co 15:25; Heb 1:3,13; 10:12,13

Matthew 22:44

The Lord.This passage is expressly referred to the Messiah by several of the Jews. Rabbi Joden says, "In the world to come, the Holy Blessed God shall cause the king Messiah to sit at his right hand, as it is written, The Lord said to my Lord," etc. So Rabbi Moses Hadarson; and Saadias Gaon says, "This is Messiah our righteousness, as it is written, The Lord said to my Lord," etc.

Ps 110:1; Ac 2:34,35; 1Co 15:25; Heb 1:3,13; 10:12,13; 12:2

my Lord.

Joh 20:28; 1Co 1:2; Php 3:8


Ge 3:15; Ps 2:8,9; 21:9; Isa 63:1-6; Lu 19:27; Re 19:19-21

Re 20:1-3,11-15

Luke 1:43


7:7; Ru 2:10; 1Sa 25:41; Mt 3:14; Joh 13:5-8; Php 2:3


20:42-44; Ps 110:1; Joh 13:13; 20:28; Php 3:8

Luke 20:42


24:44; 2Sa 23:1,2; Mt 22:43; Mr 12:36,37; Ac 1:20; 13:33-35; Heb 3:7

the Lord.

Ps 110:1; Mt 22:44,45; Ac 2:34,35; 1Co 15:25; Heb 1:13

John 20:28

My Lord.The disbelief of the apostle is the means of furnishing us with a full and satisfactory demonstration of the resurrection of our Lord. Throughout the divine dispensations every doctrine and ever important truth is gradually revealed; and here we have a conspicuous instance of the progressive system. An angel first declares the glorious event; the empty sepulchre confirms the women's report. Christ's appearance to Mary Magdalene shewed that he was alive; that to the disciples at Emmaus proved that it was at the least the spirit of Christ; that to the eleven shewed the reality of his body; and the conviction given to Thomas proved it the self-same body that had been crucified. Incredulity itself is satisfied; and the convinced apostle exclaims, in the joy of his heart, "My Lord and my God!"

16,31; 5:23; 9:35-38; Ps 45:6,11; 102:24-28; 118:24-28; Isa 7:14; 9:6

Isa 25:9; 40:9-11; Jer 23:5,6; Mal 3:1; Mt 14:33; Lu 24:52

Ac 7:59,60; 1Ti 3:16; Re 5:9-14

Philippians 3:8


Nu 14:30; Ps 126:6; Lu 11:20; 1Co 9:10; 1Jo 2:19

I count.

Ac 20:24; Ro 8:18

the excellency.

10; Isa 53:11; Jer 9:23,24; Mt 11:25-27; 16:16,17; Lu 10:21,22

Joh 14:7,20; 16:3; 17:3,8; 1Co 2:2; 2Co 4:4,6; Ga 1:16; Eph 1:17,18

Eph 3:8,9,18,19; Col 2:2,3; 1Pe 2:7; 2Pe 1:3; 3:18; 1Jo 5:20


Lu 1:43; 20:42-44; Joh 20:13,28

for whom.

7; Mt 19:27-29; 1Co 4:9-13; 2Co 11:23-27; 2Ti 4:6

but dung.

1Ki 14:10; 2Ki 9:37; Job 20:7; Mal 2:3


Mt 13:44-46; Heb 3:14; 1Jo 1:3
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