Exodus 6:20


2:1,2; Nu 26:59

and the years.The Samaritan, LXX., Syriac, and one Hebrew MS. add, "And Miriam their sister;" which some of the best critics suppose to have been originally in the text.


Leviticus 18:12-30

20:19; Ex 6:20



20:12; Ge 38:18,19,26; Eze 22:11

20:21; De 25:5; Mt 14:3,4; 22:24; Mr 6:17; 12:19; Lu 3:19

a woman.

20:14; De 27:23; Am 2:7

it is wickedness.


wife. or, one wife to another.

Ge 4:19; 29:28; Ex 26:3

to vex her.

Ge 30:15; 1Sa 1:6-8; Mal 2:15

15:19,24; 20:18; Eze 18:6; 22:10

20:10; Ex 20:14; De 5:18; 22:22,25; 2Sa 11:3,4,27; Pr 6:25,29-33

Mal 3:5; Mt 5:27,28; Ro 2:22; 1Co 6:9; Ga 5:19; Heb 13:4

pass through.Molech signifies a king, or governor, of similar import with BaĆ¢l, lord, or governor; and it is generally supposed that the sun was worshipped under this name; and more particularly as the fire appears to have been so much employed in his worship. It seems clear that children were not only consecrated to him by passing through the fire, which appears to be alluded to here, but that they were actually made a burnt offering to him. (See the parallel passages.) That the several abominations afterwards mentioned were actually practised by many heathen nations is abundantly attested by their own writers.

20:2; De 12:31; 18:10; 2Ki 16:3; 21:6; 23:10; Ps 106:37,38; Jer 7:31

Jer 19:5; Eze 20:31; 23:37

to Molech.

1Ki 11:7,33; Am 5:26; Ac 7:43



19:12; 20:2-5; 21:6; 22:2,32; Eze 36:20-23; Mal 1:12; Ro 1:23; 2:24

20:13; Ge 19:5; Jud 19:22; 1Ki 14:24; Ro 1:26,27; 1Co 6:9; 1Ti 1:10

Jude 1:7

any beast.

20:15,16; Ex 22:19




6-23,30; Jer 44:4; Mt 15:18-20; Mr 7:10-23; 1Co 3:17


20:22,23; De 12:31; 18:12

the land.

Nu 35:33,34; Ps 106:38; Isa 24:5; Jer 2:7; 16:18; Eze 36:17,18

Ro 8:22


Ps 89:32; Isa 26:21; Jer 5:9,29; 9:9; 14:10; 23:2; Ho 2:13; 8:13; 9:9


28; 20:22


5,30; De 4:1,2,40; 12:32; Ps 105:44,45; Lu 8:15; 11:28

Joh 14:15,21-23; 15:14

nor any stranger.


24; De 20:18; 23:18; 25:16; 27:15; 1Ki 14:24; 2Ki 16:3; 21:2

2Ch 36:14; Eze 16:50; 22:11; Ho 9:10

25; 20:22; Jer 9:19; Eze 36:13,17; Ro 8:22; Re 3:16

17:10; 20:6

See on

Ex 12:15


3,26,27; 20:23; De 18:9-12

that ye defile.


I am.

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