Exodus 9:8-11

Take to.This was a significant command; not only referring to the fiery furnace, which was a type of the slavery of the Israelites, but to a cruel rite common among the Egyptians. They had several cities styled Typhonian, in which at particular seasons they sacrificed men, who were burnt alive; and the ashes of the victim were scattered upwards in the air, with the view, probably, that where any atom of dust was carried, a blessing was entailed. The like, therefore, was done by Moses, though with a different intention, and more certain effect. See Bryant, pp. 93-106.


a boil.

Le 13:18-20; De 28:27,35; Job 2:7; Re 16:2

a boil.

De 28:27

7:11,12; 8:18,19; Isa 47:12-14; 2Ti 3:8,9; Re 16:2

Deuteronomy 7:15

will put none.The Israelites, if obedient, would have been subject to no maladies but those common to fallen man, and generally very healthy and long lived; being exempted from pestilential diseases, which have often most tremendously scourged guilty nations; and from such maladies in particular, as they had witnessed in Egypt, by which God afflicted their cruel oppressors, (Ex 15:26.) This must be referred to the national covenant; for though godliness often secures the most solid temporal advantages, yet temporal blessings were not, even among them, uniformly dispensed to individuals according to their obedience; but they were to the nation, with an exactness which is not observed towards any other people.

Le 26:3,4

will put none.

28:27,60; Ex 9:11; 15:26; Ps 105:36,37

Deuteronomy 28:27

the botch.

35; Ex 9:9,11; 15:26


1Sa 5:6,9,12; Ps 78:66


Le 13:2-8; 21:20; Isa 3:17

1 Samuel 5:6

the hand.

7,11; Ex 9:3; Ps 32:4; Ac 13:11


9,11; 6:5; De 28:27; Job 31:3; Ps 78:66

thereof.The LXX. and Vulgate add: [Kai meson tés choras autés anephyésan myes kai egeneto synchysis thanatou megalé en té polei; {Et ebullierunt villæ et agri in medio regionis illius, et nati sunt mures; et facta est confusio mortis magnæ in civitate; "And [the cities and fields in Vulg.] the midst of that region produced mice; [Vulg. burst up, and mice were produced;] and there was the confusion of a great death in the city."


1 Samuel 5:9

the hand.

6; 7:13; 12:15; De 2:15; Am 5:19; 9:1-4

with a very.


and they had emerods.

6; 6:4,5,11; Ps 78:66

2 Chronicles 21:15

by disease.This is supposed to have been a violent dysentery, a disease which is often attended with symptoms similar to those described in the text; by the same death perished Antiochus Ephiphenes, and Herod Agrippa.

18,19; Nu 5:27; De 28:61; Ac 12:23

thy bowels fall.

Ps 109:18; Ac 1:18

the sickness.

18; De 28:27,37,59,67

2 Chronicles 21:18

A.M. 3117-3119. B.C. 887-885. And after all."His son Ahaziah Prorex, soon after."

an incurable disease.

15; 2Ki 9:29; Ac 12:23

Job 2:7-8

So went.

1Ki 22:22

sore boils.{Shechin râ,} supposed to be the {Judham,} or black leprosy, of the Arabs, termed Elephantiasis by the Greeks, from its rendering the skin, like that of the elephant, scabrous, dark coloured, and furrowed all over with tubercles. This loathsome and most afflictive disease is accompanied with most intolerable itching.

30:17-19,30; Ex 9:9-11; De 28:27,35; Re 16:11

from the sole.

Isa 1:6; 3:17

took him.

19:14-17; Ps 38:5,7; Lu 16:20,21

he sat.

42:6; 2Sa 13:19; Isa 61:3; Eze 27:30; Jon 3:6; Mt 11:21
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