Ezekiel 14:21

How much more when. or, Also when. my four.

13,15,17,19; 5:12,17; 6:11,12; 33:27; Jer 15:2,3; Am 4:6-12

Re 6:4-8

Joel 1:4-7

That which the palmer-worm hath left. Heb. The residue of thepalmer-worm.

2:25; Am 4:9The learned Bochart, and others, are of the opinion that the four Hebrew words, {gazam, yelek, arbeh, chasil}, respectively rendered the palmer-worm, locust, canker-worm and caterpillar, denote four different species of locusts. See on

Ex 10:4

the locust eaten.

Ex 10:12-15; De 28:38,42; 1Ki 8:37; 2Ch 6:28; 7:13

Ps 78:46; 105:34; Am 7:1; Re 9:3-7

the canker-worm eaten.

Na 3:15-17

the caterpillar.

Isa 33:4; Jer 51:14,27


Isa 24:7-11; Am 6:3-7; Lu 21:34-36; Ro 13:11-14


11,13; Jer 4:8; Eze 30:2; Jas 5:1


Isa 32:10-12; Lu 16:19,23-25


2:2-11,25; Pr 30:25-27


Ps 107:34; Isa 8:8; 32:13; Ho 9:3


Pr 30:14; Re 9:7-10


12; Ex 10:15; Ps 105:33; Isa 5:6; 24:7; Jer 8:13; Ho 2:12; Hab 3:17

barked my fig-tree. Heb. laid my fig-tree for a barking.

Joel 2:25-26


2-11; 1:4-7; Zec 10:6

ye shall.

Le 26:5,26; De 6:11,12; 8:10; Ne 9:25; Ps 22:26; 103:5; Pr 13:25

So 5:1; Isa 55:2; 62:8,9; Mic 6:14; Zec 9:15,17; 1Ti 6:17

and praise.

De 12:7,12,18; 26:10,11; 1Ti 4:3-5


20,21; Ge 33:11; Ps 13:6; 72:18; 116:7; 126:2,3; Isa 25:1

and my.

Ps 25:2,3; 37:19; Isa 29:22; 45:17; 49:23; 54:4; Zep 3:11; Ro 5:5

Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1Jo 2:28
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