Ezra 1:1

1 The proclamation of Cyrus for the building of the temple.

5 The people provide for their return.

7 Cyrus restores the vessels of the temple to Sheshbazzar.

Now in the.

2Ch 36:22,23

Cyrus.Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

by the mouth.

Jer 25:12-14; 29:10; 33:7-13

the Lord.

5:13-15; 6:22; 7:27; Ps 106:46; Pr 21:1; Da 2:1

made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.

Mt 3:1-3; Joh 1:23

Ezra 7:27

Blessed.There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Instead of expatiating on the praises of his munificent patron, or boasting of his own services, he blesses God for "putting such a thing in the king's heart;" and for all the assistance and favour shown him by the king and his counsellors.

6:22; 1Ch 29:10-30; Php 4:10

put such.

6:22; Ne 2:12; 7:5; 2Co 8:16; Heb 8:10; 10:16; Jas 1:17; Re 17:17

in the king's heart.

Ne 2:8; Pr 21:1

to beautify.

Isa 60:13

Nehemiah 1:11

Let now.

6; Ps 86:6; 130:2

who desire.

Pr 1:29; Isa 26:8,9; Heb 13:18


2:8; Ge 32:11,28; 43:14; Ezr 1:1; 7:6,27,28; Pr 21:1

For I was.The office of cup-bearer was one of great trust, honour, and emolument, in the Persian court. To be in such a place of trust he must have been in the king's confidence; for no eastern potentate would have a cup-bearer to whom he could not trust his life, poison being often administered in that way. It was an office much desired, because it gave access to the king in those seasons of hilarity when men are most disposed to grant favours.

2:1; Ge 40:2,9-13,21,23; 41:9

Proverbs 16:7


Ps 69:31; Ro 8:31; Php 4:18; Col 1:10; 3:20; Heb 13:21; 1Jo 3:22


Ge 27:41; 32:6,7,28; 33:4; Jer 15:11; Ac 9:1,2,19,20

Proverbs 21:1

16:1,9; 20:24; Ezr 7:27,28; Ne 1:11; 2:4; Ps 105:25; 106:46; Da 4:35

Ac 7:10


Ps 74:15; 93:4; 114:3,5; Isa 43:19; 44:27; Re 16:4,12
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