Ezra 4:12-15


15,19; 2Ki 18:20; 24:1; 2Ch 36:13; Jer 52:3; Eze 17:12-21

Lu 23:2-5; Ac 24:5; 1Th 5:22; 1Pe 2:13-15

bad city.

Ps 48:1,2; Isa 1:21-23; Lu 13:34

set up. or, finished.

Ne 1:3; Da 9:25

joined. Chal. sewed together.

if this city.

Ne 5:4; Ps 52:2; 119:69

pay. Chal. give. toll.

7:24; Mt 9:9; 17:25; Ro 13:6,7

revenue. or, strength.

have maintenance, etc. Chal. are salted with the salt of thepalace. Salt is reckoned among the principal necessaries of life, (Ecclus. 39:26 or 31;) hence, by a very natural figure, salt is used for food or maintenance in general. I am well informed, says Mr. Parkhurst, that it is a common expression of the natives in the East Indies, "I eat such a one's salt," meaning, I am fed by him. Salt was also, as it still is, among eastern nations, a symbol of friendship and hospitality; and hence, to eat a man's salt, is to be bound to him by the ties of friendship.

and it was.

Eze 33:31; Joh 12:5,6; 19:12-15

this city.

12; Ne 2:19; 6:6; Es 3:5-8; Da 6:4-13; Ac 17:6,7

moved. Chal. made. within the same. Chal. in the midstthereof. for which.

2Ki 24:20; 25:1,4; Jer 52:3-34

Acts 16:20-21


18:2; 19:34; Ezr 4:12-15; Es 3:8,9


17:6-8; 28:22; 1Ki 18:17,18; Mt 2:3; Joh 15:18-20; Ro 12:2; Jas 4:4

26:3; Jer 10:3

Acts 17:6-7

they drew.

6:12,13; 16:19,20; 18:12,13


21:28-31; 22:22,23; 24:5; 28:22; 1Ki 18:17,18; Ex 3:8,9; Jer 38:2-4

Am 7:10; Lu 23:5

and these.

16:21; 25:8-11; Ezr 4:12-15; Da 3:12; 6:13; Lu 23:2; Joh 19:12

1Pe 2:15

Acts 24:5

we have.

6:13; 16:20,21; 17:6,7; 21:28; 22:22; 28:22; 1Ki 18:17,18; Jer 38:4

Am 7:10; Mt 5:11,12; 10:25; 1Co 4:13

and a mover.

1Sa 22:7-9; Ezr 4:12-19; Ne 6:5-8; Es 3:8; Lu 23:2,5,19,25

1Pe 2:12-15,19

the sect.

14; *Gr:

5:17; 15:5; 26:5; 28:22; 1Co 11:19; *Gr:


Mt 2:23

Acts 28:22


16:20,21; 17:6,7; 24:5,6,14; Lu 2:34; 1Pe 2:12; 3:16; 4:14-16


5:17; 15:5; 26:5; 1Co 11:19; *marg:
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