Ezra 9:5-15

heaviness. or, affliction. I fell.

2Ch 6:13; Ps 95:6; Lu 22:41; Ac 21:5; Eph 3:14


Ex 9:29,33; 1Ki 8:22,38,54; Ps 141:2; 143:6; Isa 1:15

I am ashamed.

Job 40:4; 42:6; Jer 3:3,24,25; 6:15; 8:12; 31:19; Eze 16:63

Da 9:7,8; Ro 6:21

our iniquities.

Ge 13:13; Ps 38:4; Isa 1:18; 59:12

trespass. or, guiltiness. grown up.

2Ch 28:9; Lu 15:21; Re 18:5

Since the days.

Nu 32:14; 2Ch 29:6; 30:7; Ne 9:32-34; Ps 106:6,7; La 5:7; Da 9:5-8

Zec 1:4,5; Mt 23:30-33; Ac 7:51,52

for our iniquities.

Le 26:14-46; De 4:25-28; 28:15-68; 29:22-28; 30:17-19; 31:20-22

De 32:15-28; 1Sa 12:15; 1Ki 9:6-9; Ne 9:30

into the hand.

2Ki 17:5-8; 18:9-12; 24:1-4; 2Ch 36:16-19; Ne 9:36,37; Da 9:11-14

to confusion.

Da 9:7,8

as it is this day.

Ne 9:32; Jer 25:18; 44:22

little space. Heb. moment. grace hath.

9; Ne 1:11; 9:31; Hab 3:2

a remnant.

14; 2Ki 19:4,30,31; Isa 1:9; Jer 42:2; 44:14; Eze 6:8,9; 14:22

Zec 8:6,12; Ro 9:27; 11:5,6

a nail. or a pin. i.e., a constant and sure abode.

Ec 12:11; Isa 22:23-25; Zec 10:4

in his holy place.

Isa 56:5; Re 3:12


1Sa 14:27,29; Job 33:30; Ps 13:3; 34:5


Ps 85:6; 138:7; Isa 57:15; Eze 37:11-14; Ho 6:2

we were bondmen.

Ne 9:36,37

yet our God.

Ps 106:45,46; 136:23,24; Eze 11:16

in the sight.

1:1-4,7-11; 6:1-12; 7:6,8,11-28

to set up.

6:14,15; Hag 1:9; Zec 4:6-10

repair. Heb. set up. a wall.Or rather, a hedge or fence, {gader,} such as were made for sheep-folds.

Isa 5:2,5; Da 9:25; Zec 2:5

what shall we say.

Ge 44:16; Jos 7:8; La 3:22; Da 9:4-16; Ro 3:19

by thy servants. Heb. by the hand of thy servants. Theland.

1; Le 18:24-30; De 12:31; 18:12; 2Ch 33:2

the filthiness.

6:21; Eze 36:25-27; 2Co 7:1

one end to another. Heb. mouth to mouth.

2Ki 21:16; *marg:

give not.

Ex 23:32; 34:16; De 7:3; Jos 23:12,13

nor seek their peace.

De 23:6; 2Ch 19:2; 2Jo 1:10,11

that ye may.

De 6:1,2; Jos 1:6-9

and eat.

Isa 1:19

and leave it.

Ge 18:18,19; Ps 112:1,2; Pr 13:22; 20:7

after all.

Ne 9:32; Eze 24:13,14; Ga 3:4

hast punished, etc. Heb. hast withheld beneath ouriniquities. less.

Ps 103:10; La 3:22,39,40; Hab 3:2

hast given us.

Ps 106:45,46

we again.

Joh 5:14; Ro 6:1; 2Pe 2:20,21

join in.

2; Ex 23:32; Jud 2:2; Ne 13:23-27

wouldest not thou.

Ex 32:10; Nu 16:21,45; De 9:8,14

no remnant.

8; De 32:26,27; Isa 1:9; Jer 46:28; Eze 6:8

thou art righteous.

Ne 9:33,34; Da 9:7-11,14; Ro 10:3

for we remain.

La 3:22,23

in our trespasses.

Isa 64:6,7; Eze 33:10; Zec 3:3,4; Joh 8:21,24; 1Co 15:17

we cannot.

Job 9:2,3; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:19

Nehemiah 9:1-5

1 A solemn fast, and repentance of the people.

4 The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, and their wickedness.

Now.On the first of this month was the feast of trumpets; on the tenth, the day of atonement; on the fourteenth began the feast of tabernacles, which lasted seven days, ending on the twenty- second; on the twenty-third, they separated themselves from their illegitimate wives; and on the twenty-fourth, they held a solemn day of fasting and confession of sin, and reading the law; the whole of which they closed by renewing their covenants.


Le 23:34,39; 2Ch 7:10

of this month.



Jud 20:26; 2Ch 20:3; Ezr 8:23; Es 4:3,16; Isa 22:12; Joe 1:13,14,

Joe 2:15-17; Jon 3:5-8; Ac 13:2,3


Jos 7:6; 1Sa 4:12; 2Sa 1:2; Job 2:12

the seed.

13:3,30; Ezr 9:2; 10:11

strangers. Heb. strange children.

Ps 144:7,11; Isa 2:6; Ho 5:7


1:6; Le 26:39,40; Ezr 9:6,7,15; Ps 106:6,7; Da 9:3-10,20

1Jo 1:7-9

they stood.


one fourth.


stairs. or, scaffold. Jeshua.

5; 8:7; 10:9-13; 12:8


2Ch 20:19; Ps 3:4; 77:1; 130:1; La 3:8; Joh 11:43; Ac 7:60

Stand up.

1Ki 8:14,22; 2Ch 20:13,19; Ps 134:1-3; 135:1-3


1Ch 29:20; Ezr 3:11; Ps 103:1,2; 117:1,2; 145:2; 146:2

Jer 33:10,11; Mt 11:25; Eph 3:20,21; 1Pe 1:3

thy glorious.

Ex 15:6,11; De 28:58; 1Ch 29:13; Ps 72:18,19; 145:5,11,12; 2Co 4:6


1Ki 8:27; 1Ch 29:11; Ps 16:2; 106:2

Isaiah 63:15-19


De 26:15; Ps 33:14; 80:14; 102:19,20; La 3:50

the habitation.

57:15; 66:1; 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 30:27; Ps 113:5,6; 123:1


51:9,10; Ps 89:49

sounding. or, multitude. thy bowels.

9; 49:15; Ps 25:6; *marg:

Jer 31:20; Ho 11:8; Lu 1:78; *marg:

Php 2:1; 1Jo 3:17


Ps 77:7-9

thou art.

64:8; Ex 4:22; De 32:6; 1Ch 29:10; Jer 3:19; 31:9; Mal 1:6; 2:10

Mt 6:9


Job 14:21; Ec 9:5

redeemer; thy name is from everlasting. or, Redeemer fromeverlasting is thy name.

12; 41:14; 43:14; 44:6; 54:5; 1Pe 1:18-21


Ps 119:10,36; 141:4; Eze 14:7-9; 2Th 2:11,12

and hardened.

6:10; De 2:30; Jos 11:20; Joh 12:40; Ro 9:18-20


Nu 10:36; Ps 74:1,2; 80:14; 90:13; Zec 1:12


62:12; Ex 19:4-6; De 7:6; 26:19; Da 8:24; 1Pe 2:9


64:11,12; Ps 74:3-7; La 1:10; 4:1; Mt 24:2; Re 11:2

are thine.

Ps 79:6; 135:4; Jer 10:25; Ac 14:16; Ro 9:4; Eph 2:12

they were not called by thy name. or, thy name was notcalled upon them.

65:1; Am 9:12; Ac 15:17

Isaiah 64

1 The church prays for the illustration of God's power.

4 Celebrating God's mercy, it makes confession of their natural corruptions.

9 It complains of their afflictions.

Oh that.

Ps 18:7-15; 144:5,6; Mr 1:10; *marg:

that thou wouldest come.

63:15; Ex 3:8; 19:11,18,19; Mic 1:3,4; Hab 3:1-13

that the.

Jud 5:4,5; Ps 46:6; 68:8; 114:4-7; Am 9:5,13; Na 1:5,6; 2Pe 3:10-12

Re 20:11

melting fire. Heb. fire of meltings. to make.

37:20; 63:12; Ex 14:4; 1Sa 17:46,47; 1Ki 8:41-43; Ps 46:10; 67:1,2

Ps 79:10; 83:13; 98:1,2; 102:15,16; 106:8; Eze 38:22,23; 39:27,28

Da 4:1-3,32-37; 6:25-27; Joe 3:16,17

that the nations.

Ex 15:14-16; De 2:25; Ps 9:20; 48:4-6; 99:1; Jer 5:22; 33:9

Mic 7:15-17; Re 11:11-13

thou didst.

Ex 34:10; De 4:34; 10:21; Jud 5:4,5; 2Sa 7:23; Ps 65:6; 66:3,5; 68:8

Ps 76:12; 105:27-36; 106:22

the mountains.

1; Hab 3:3,6

have not.

Ps 31:19; 1Co 2:9,10; Eph 3:5-10,17-21; Col 1:26,27; 1Ti 3:16

1Jo 3:1,2; 4:10; Re 21:1-4,22-24; 22:1-5

seen, etc. or, seen a God besides thee, which doeth so for,etc. prepared.

Ps 31:19; Mt 25:34; Joh 14:3; Heb 11:16


25:9; Ge 49:18; Ps 62:1; 130:5; La 3:25,26; Lu 2:25; Ro 8:19,23-25

1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10; Jas 5:7


Ex 20:24; 25:22; 29:42,43; 30:6; Heb 4:16


Ps 25:10; 37:4; 112:1; Ac 10:2-4,35; Php 3:13-15

those that.

26:8,9; 56:1-7

thou art wroth.

63:10; Ps 90:7-9

in those.

Ps 103:17; Jer 31:18-20; Ho 6:3; 11:8; Mal 3:6

are all.

6:5; 53:6; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; 40:4; 42:5,6; Ps 51:5

Ro 7:18,24; Eph 2:1,2; Tit 3:3

all our.

57:12; Zec 3:3; Php 3:9; Re 3:17,18; 7:13

we all.

40:6-8; Ps 90:5,6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24,25

our iniquities.

57:13; Ps 1:4; Jer 4:11,12; Ho 4:19; Zec 5:8-11

there is.

50:2; 59:16; Ps 14:4; Eze 22:30; Ho 7:7,14

to take.

27:5; 56:4

hast hid.

57:17; 59:2; De 31:17; 32:19-25; Ho 5:15

consumed. Heb. melted.

Jer 9:7; Eze 22:18-22; 24:11

because. Heb. by the hand, as

Job 8:4; *marg:

thou art.

63:16; Ex 4:22; De 32:6; Ga 3:26,29

are the clay.

29:16; 45:9; Jer 18:2-6; Ro 9:20-24

all are.

43:7; 44:21,24; Job 10:8,9; Ps 100:3; 119:73; 138:8; Eph 2:10


Ps 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; 79:5-9; Jer 10:24; Hab 3:2


Jer 3:12; La 5:20; Mic 7:18-20; Mal 1:4; 2Pe 2:17; Re 20:10

we are.

63:19; Ps 79:13; 119:94

1:7; 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:19-21; Ps 79:1-7; La 1:1-4; 2:4-8; 5:18

Da 9:26,27; 12:7; Mic 3:12; Lu 21:21,24; Re 11:1,2


2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:19; Ps 74:5-7; Jer 52:13; La 2:7; Eze 7:20,21

Eze 24:21,25; Mt 24:2


1Ki 8:14,56; 2Ch 6:4; 7:3,6; 29:25-30

all our.

La 1:7,10,11

42:14; Ps 10:1; 74:10,11,18,19; 79:5; 80:3,4; 83:1; 89:46-51

Zec 1:12; Re 6:10

Isaiah 65

1 The calling of the Gentiles, and the rejection of the Jews, for their incredulity, idolatry, and hypocrisy.

8 A remnant shall be saved.

11 Judgments on the wicked, and blessings on the godly.

17 The blessed state of the new Jerusalem.

I am sought.

2:2,3; 11:10; 55:5; Ps 22:27; Ro 9:24-26,30; 10:20; Eph 2:12,13


40:9; 41:27; 45:22; Joh 1:29


43:1; 63:19; Ho 1:10; Zec 2:11; 8:22,23; 1Pe 2:10


Pr 1:24; Mt 23:37; Lu 13:34; 19:41,42; Ro 10:21

a rebellious.

1:2; 63:10; De 9:7; 31:27; Jer 5:23; Eze 2:3-7; Ac 7:51,52

1Th 2:15,16


59:7,8; Ps 36:4; Pr 16:29


55:7; Ge 6:5; Nu 15:39; De 29:19; Ps 81:12; Jer 3:17; 4:14; 7:24

Mt 12:33,34; 15:19; Ro 2:5; Jas 1:14,15

A people.

3:8; De 32:16-19,21; 2Ki 17:14-17; 22:17; Ps 78:40,58

Jer 32:30-35; Eze 8:17,18; Mt 23:32-36

to my face.

Job 1:11; 2:5

that sacrificeth.

1:29; 66:17; Le 17:5; Jer 3:6; Eze 20:28

altars. Heb. bricks.

Ex 20:24,25; 30:1-10


Nu 19:11,16-20; De 18:11; Mt 8:28; Mr 5:2-5; Lu 8:27

which eat.

66:3,17; Le 11:7; De 14:8

broth. or, pieces.

Ex 23:19; 34:26; De 14:3,21; Eze 4:14


Mt 9:11; Lu 5:30; 7:39; 15:2,28-30; 18:9-12; Ac 22:21,22

Ro 2:17-29; Jude 1:19


Pr 6:16,17; 10:26; 16:5; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5

nose. or, anger. a fire.

De 29:20; 32:20-22

it is.

Ex 17:14; De 32:34; Ps 56:8; Mal 3:16; Re 20:12

I will.

42:14; 64:12; Ps 50:3,21


Ps 79:12; Jer 16:18; Eze 11:21; 22:31; Joe 3:4

Your iniquities.

Ex 20:5; Le 26:39; Nu 32:14; Ps 106:6,7; Da 9:8; Mt 23:31-36


57:7; 1Ki 22:43; 2Ki 12:3; 14:4; 15:35; 16:4; Eze 18:6


Eze 20:27,28


6; Jer 5:9,29; 7:19,20; 13:25; Mt 23:32; 1Th 2:16

6:13; Jer 30:11; Joe 2:14; Am 9:8,9; Mt 24:22; Mr 13:20; Ro 9:27-29

Ro 11:5,6,24-26

I will.

10:20-22; 11:11-16; 27:6; Jer 31:36-40; 33:17-26; Eze 36:8-15,24

Eze 37:21-28; 39:25-29; Am 9:11-15; Ob 1:17-21; Zep 3:20

Zec 10:6-12

mine elect.

15,22; Mt 24:22; Ro 11:5-7,28


33:9; 35:2; Eze 34:13,14

and the.

Jos 7:24-26; Ho 2:15

they that.

1:28; De 29:25; 1Ch 28:9; Jer 17:13

my holy.

25; 2:2; 11:9; 56:7; 57:13; Ps 132:13; Heb 12:22; Re 21:2,3


57:5-10; De 32:17; Jer 2:28; Eze 23:41,42; 1Co 10:20,21

troop. or, Gad. number. or, Meni.

will I.

3:25; 10:4; Le 26:25; De 32:25; Jer 18:21; 34:17; Eze 14:17-21

Zep 1:4-6; Mt 22:7


50:2; 66:4; 2Ch 36:15,16; Pr 1:24-33; Jer 7:13; Zec 7:7,11-13

Mt 21:34-43; 22:3; Joh 1:11

did evil.

3; 1:16; Jer 16:17

and did.

66:3,4; Pr 1:29

my servants shall eat.

Ps 34:10; 37:19,20; Mal 3:18; Lu 14:23,24; 16:24,25

my servants shall rejoice.

61:7; 66:5,14; Da 12:2

my servants.

24:14; 52:8,9; Job 29:13; Ps 66:4; Jer 31:7; Jas 5:13

ye shall.

Mt 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; Lu 13:28; Jas 5:1

vexation. Heb. breaking.

ye shall.

Pr 10:7; Jer 29:22; Zec 8:13

my chosen.


the Lord.

12; 66:15; Mt 21:41; 22:7; 1Th 2:16

his servants.

62:2; Ac 11:26; Ro 9:26; 1Pe 2:9,10

he who.

Ps 72:17; Jer 4:2

in the God.

De 32:4; Ps 31:5; 86:15; Jer 10:10; Joh 1:14,17; 14:6; Heb 6:17,18

he that.

19:18; 45:23-25; 48:1; De 6:13; 10:20; Ps 63:11; Jer 12:16; Zep 1:5

Ro 14:11; Php 2:11


19; 11:16; 12:1; 35:10; 54:4; Jer 31:12; Eze 36:25-27; Da 12:1,11

Zep 3:14-20; Re 20:4

I create.

51:16; 66:22; 2Pe 3:13; Re 21:1-5

the former.

Jer 3:16

into mind. Heb. upon the heart.

12:4-6; 42:10-12; 44:23; 49:13; 51:11; 52:7-10; 66:10-14; Ps 67:3-5

Ps 96:10-13; 98:1-9; Zep 3:14; Zec 9:9; 1Th 5:16; Re 11:15-18

Re 19:1-6

I will.

62:4,5; So 3:11; Jer 32:41; Zep 3:17; Lu 15:3,5

the voice of weeping.

25:8; 35:10; 51:3,11; 60:20; Jer 31:12; Re 7:17; 21:4

There shall.

De 4:40; Job 5:26; Ps 34:12


3:11; Ec 8:12; Ro 2:5-9

62:8,9; Le 26:16; De 28:30-33; Jud 6:1-6; Jer 31:4,5; Am 9:14

for as.

9,15; Ge 5:5,27; Le 26:16; Ps 92:12-14; Re 20:3-5

long enjoy. Heb. make them continue long, or, shall wearout.


49:4; 55:2; 61:9; Le 26:3-10,20,22,29; De 28:3-12,38-42

Ho 9:11-14; Hag 1:6; 2:19; Mal 3:10; 1Co 15:58


61:9; Ge 12:2; 17:7; Ps 115:14,15; Jer 32:38,39; Zec 10:8,9

Ac 2:39; 3:25,26; Ro 4:16; 9:7,8; Ga 3:29

58:9; Ps 32:5; 50:15; 91:15; Da 9:20-23; 10:12; Mr 11:24

Lu 15:18-20; Ac 4:31; 10:30-32; 12:5-16; 1Jo 5:14,15


11:6-9; 35:9; Ac 9:1,19-21; 1Co 6:9-11; Tit 3:3-7


Ge 3:14,15; Ro 16:20; Re 12:7-9; 20:2,3

shall not.

2:4; 11:9; Mic 4:3


11; Eze 43:11; Zec 8:3; 14:20,21; Re 14:1

Isaiah 66

1 The glorious God will be served in humble sincerity.

5 He comforts the humble by shewing the confusion of their enemies;

7 with the marvellous growth,

10 and the gracious benefits of the church.

15 God's severe judgments against the wicked.

18 The Gentiles shall have an holy church;

24 and see the damnation of the wicked.

The heaven.

1Ki 8:27; 1Ch 28:2; 2Ch 6:18; Ps 11:4; 99:9; 132:7; Mt 5:34,35

Mt 23:21,22; Ac 17:24

where is the house.

2Sa 7:5-7; Jer 7:4-11; Mal 1:11; Mt 24:2; Joh 4:20,21; Ac 7:48-50

For all those.

40:26; Ge 1:1-31; Col 1:17; Heb 1:2,3

to this.

57:15; 61:1; 2Ki 22:19,20; 2Ch 34:27,28; Ps 34:18; 51:17; 138:6

Jer 31:19,20; Eze 9:4-6; Mt 5:3,4; Lu 18:13,14


5; Ezr 9:4; 10:3; Ps 119:120,161; Pr 28:14; Hab 3:16; Ac 9:6

Ac 16:29,30; Php 2:12


1:11-15; Pr 15:8; 21:27; Am 5:21,22

lamb. or, kid. cut.

De 23:18

as if he offered.

17; 65:3,4; De 14:8

burneth. Heb maketh a memorial of.

Le 2:2

they have.

65:12; Jud 5:8; 10:14

will choose.

1Ki 22:19-23; Ps 81:12; Pr 1:31,32; Mt 24:24; 2Th 2:10-12

delusions. or, devices. will bring.

Pr 10:24

when I called.

50:2; 65:12; Pr 1:24; Jer 7:13; Mt 22:2-7

they did.

65:3; 2Ki 21:2,6

ye that.

2; Pr 13:13; Jer 36:16,23-25


Ps 38:20; So 1:6; Mt 5:10-12; 10:22; Lu 6:22,23; Joh 9:34

Joh 15:18-20; 16:2; Ac 26:9,10; 1Th 2:15,16; 1Jo 3:13




Ac 2:33-47; 2Th 1:6-10; Tit 2:13; Heb 9:28; 1Pe 4:12-14

a voice of the Lord.

34:8; 59:18; 65:5-7; Joe 3:7-16; Am 1:2-2:16

54:1; Ga 4:26; Re 12:1-5

hath heard.

64:4; 1Co 2:9

shall a nation.

49:20-22; Ac 2:41; 4:4; 21:20; Ro 15:18-21

bring to.

37:3; Ge 18:14

cause to bring forth. or, beget.

Rejoice ye.

44:23; 65:18; De 32:43; Ro 15:9-12

all ye that love.

Ps 26:8; 84:1-4; 122:6; 137:6

that mourn.

61:2,3; Eze 9:4; Joh 16:20-22; Re 11:3-15

ye may suck.

60:5,16; Ps 36:8; Joe 3:18; 1Pe 2:2

abundance. or, brightness.

I will.

9:7; 48:18; 60:5; Ps 72:3-7

the glory.

19,20; 45:14; 49:19-23; 54:3; 60:4-14


11; 60:16

ye shall.



51:3; 1Th 2:7

ye shall.

10; 65:18,19; Ps 137:6

your heart.

Zec 10:7; Joh 16:22

your bones.

26:19; Pr 3:8; 17:22; Eze 37:1-14; Ho 14:4-8

the hand.

5; 65:12-16; Ezr 7:9; 8:18,22,31; Mal 3:18; Heb 10:27

the Lord.

30:27,28,33; Ps 11:6; 21:9; 50:3; 97:3; Am 7:4; Mt 22:7; 2Th 1:6-9

2Pe 3:10-12

with his.

Jer 4:3; Da 11:40

27:1; 34:5-10; Eze 38:21,22; 39:2-10; Re 19:11-21


1:29; 65:3,4

behind one tree in the midst. or, one after another.eating.

Le 11:2-8; De 14:3-8

I know.

37:28; De 31:21; Am 5:12; Joh 5:42; Re 2:2,9,13

their thoughts.

Job 42:2; Eze 38:10; Mt 9:4; 12:25; Lu 5:22; 1Co 3:20; Heb 4:12

that I.

2:2; Ps 67:2; 72:11,17; 82:8; 86:9; Joe 3:2; Ro 15:8-12; 16:26

Re 11:15

and see.

10; Eze 39:21; Joh 17:24; 2Co 4:4-6

I will set.

11:10; 18:3,7; 62:10; Lu 2:34

I will send.

Mr 16:15; Ro 11:1-6; Eph 3:8


Ge 10:4,13; 1Ch 1:7,11; Eze 27:10; 30:5


Eze 27:13; 38:2,3; 39:1

the isles.

24:15,16; 42:4; 43:6; 49:1,12; 51:5; Ps 72:10; Zep 2:11

that have.

29:24; 52:15; 55:5; 65:1; Mal 1:11; Mt 7:11,12; 28:19; Ro 15:21

bring all.

43:6; 49:12-26; 54:3; 60:3-14

an offering.

Ro 12:1,2; 15:16; Php 2:17; 1Pe 2:5

upon horses.


litters. or, coaches. my holy.

11:9; 56:7; 65:11,25

61:6; Ex 19:6; Jer 13:18-22; 1Pe 2:5,9; Re 1:6; 5:10; 20:6

the new.

65:17; Heb 12:27,28; 2Pe 3:13; Re 21:1

so shall.

Mt 28:20; Joh 10:27-29; 1Pe 1:4,5

that from.

1:13,14; 2Ki 4:23; Ps 81:3,4; Eze 46:1,6; Col 2:16,17

one new, etc. Heb. new moon to his new moon, and fromsabbath to his sabbath. shall all.

Ps 65:2; 86:9; Zec 8:20-23; 14:14,16; Mal 1:11; Joh 4:23; Re 15:4

and look.

16; Ps 58:10,11; Eze 39:9-16; Zec 14:12,18,19; Re 19:17-21

their worm.

14:11; Mr 9:44-49; Re 14:10,11

their fire.

34:10; Mt 3:12

and they.

65:15; Da 12:2; 1Th 2:15,16 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF ISAIAH. Isaiah has, with singular propriety, been denominated the Evangelical Prophet, on account of the number and variety of his prophecies concerning the advent and character, the ministry and preaching, the sufferings and death, and the extensive and permanent kingdom of the Messiah. So explicit and determinate are his predictions, as well as so numerous, that he seems to speak rather of things past than of events yet future; and he may be rather called an evangelist than a prophet. Though later critics, especially those on the continent, have expended much labour and learning in order to rob the prophet of his title; yet no one, whose mind is unprejudiced, can be at a loss in applying select portions of these prophecies to the mission and character of Jesus Christ, and to the events in his history which they are cited to illustrate by the sacred writers of the New Testament. In fact, his prophecies concerning the Messiah seem almost to anticipate the Gospel history; so clearly do they predict his Divine character. (Compare ch. 7:14 with Mat. 1:18-23, and Luke 1:27-35; ch. 6:; 9:6; 35:4; 40:5, 9, 19; 42: 6-8; 61:1, with Lu. 4:18; ch. 62:11; 63:1-4;) his miracles, (ch. 35:5, 6;) his peculiar character and virtues, (ch. 11:2, 3; 40:11; 43:1-3;) his rejection, (Compare ch. 6:9-12 with Mar. 13:14; ch. 7:14, 15; 53:3;) his sufferings for our sins, (ch. 50:6; 53:4-11;) his death and burial, (ch. 53:8, 9;) his victory over death, (ch. 25:8; 53:10, 12;) his final glory, (ch. 49:7, 22, 33; 52:13-15; 53:4, 5;) and the establishment, increase, and perfection of his kingdom, (ch. 2:2-4; 9:2, 7; 11:4-10; 16:5; 29:18-24; 32:1; 40:4, 5; 42:4; 46:13; 49:9-13; 51:3-6; 53:6-10; 55:1-3; 59:16-21; 60:; 61:1-5; 65:25;) each specifically pointed out, and pourtrayed with the most striking and discriminating characters. It is impossible, indeed, to reflect on these, and on the whole chain of his illustrious prophecies, and not be sensible that they furnish the most incontestable evidence in support of Christianity. The style of Isaiah has been universally admired as the most perfect model of elegance and sublimity; and as distinguished for all the magnificence, and for all the sweetness of the Hebrew language.

Daniel 9:3-19

I set.

6:10; Ne 1:4-11; Ps 102:13-17; Jer 29:10-13; 33:3; Eze 36:37

Jas 5:16-18


10:2,3; Ezr 8:21; 9:5; 10:6; Ne 1:4; 9:1; Es 4:1-3,16; Ps 35:13

Ps 69:10,11; Isa 22:12; Joe 1:13; 2:12; Jon 3:6-9; Lu 2:37

Ac 10:30; Jas 4:8-10


5-12; Le 26:40-42; 1Ki 8:47-49; 2Ch 7:14; Ne 9:2,3; Ps 32:5

Jer 3:13; 1Jo 1:8-10

the great.

Ex 20:6; 34:6,7; Nu 14:18,19; De 5:10; 7:9; 1Ki 8:23; Ne 1:5; 9:32

Jer 32:17-19; Mic 7:18-20; Na 1:2-7; Lu 1:72; Ro 8:28; Jas 1:12

Jas 2:5; 1Jo 5:2,3

have sinned.

15; 1Ki 8:47-50; 2Ch 6:37-39; Ezr 9:6; Ne 1:6-8; 9:33,34; Ps 106:6

Isa 64:5-7; Jer 3:25; 14:7


Ps 18:21; 119:102; Isa 59:13; Eze 6:9; Ho 1:2; Mal 3:7; Heb 3:12

have we.

10; 2Ki 17:13,14; 2Ch 33:10; 36:15,16; Isa 30:10,11; Jer 6:16,17

Jer 7:13,25,26; 25:3-7; 26:5; 29:19; 32:32,33; 44:4,5,16; Zec 1:4-6

Zec 7:8-12; Mt 21:34-40; 23:37; Lu 20:10-12; Ac 7:51,52; 13:27

1Th 2:15,16

our kings.

Ezr 9:7; Ne 9:32,34


8,14; De 32:4; Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Ps 51:4,14; 119:137; Jer 12:1

Lu 23:40,41

belongeth unto thee. or, thou hast, etc. unto us.

Ezr 9:6,7; Ps 44:15; Isa 45:16; Jer 2:26,27; 3:25; Eze 16:63; 36:31

Ro 6:21


De 4:27; 2Ki 17:6,7; Isa 11:11; Jer 24:9; Am 9:9; Ac 2:5-11


Le 26:33,34

to us.



Jer 14:20; La 1:7,8,18; 3:42; 5:16

To the Lord.From God's goodness flow His mercies; and from His mercies, forgiveness.

7; Ex 34:6,7; Nu 14:18,19; Ne 9:17,31; Ps 62:12; 86:5,15; 130:4,7

Ps 145:8,9; Isa 55:7; 63:7; La 3:22,23; Jon 4:2; Mic 7:18,19

Eph 1:6-8; 2:4-7


5; Ne 9:18,19,26-28; Ps 106:43-45; Jer 14:7; Eze 20:8,9,13


6; 2Ki 17:13; 18:12; Ezr 9:10,11; Ne 9:13-17; Heb 1:1


2Ki 17:18-23; Isa 1:4-6; Jer 8:5-10; 9:26; Eze 22:26-31

the curse.

Le 26:14-46; De 27:15-26; 28:15-68; 29:20-29; 30:17-19; 31:17,18

De 32:19-42


Isa 44:26; La 2:17; Eze 13:6; Zec 1:8; Mt 5:18; Ro 15:8

our judges.

1Ki 3:9; Job 12:17; Ps 2:10; 148:11; Pr 8:16

for under.The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and the condition of the Jews during almost eighteen centuries, have far more exceeded all the miseries of the capture of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, and in the Babylonish captivity, than those miseries exceeded the judgments inflicted on other nations; for the guilt of crucifying the Messiah, and rejecting his gospel, was immensely more atrocious than all their other transgressions.

La 1:12; 2:13; 4:6; Eze 5:9; Joe 2:2; Am 3:2; Mt 24:21; Mr 13:19

Lu 21:22

As it is.Thus every succeeding part of the Sacred writings attests and prove the Divine authority of the preceding. The history relates the fulfilment of former predictions; and then new prophecies are add, which future events accomplish, and thus demonstrate their inspiration to the latest ages.

11; Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68; Isa 42:9; La 2:15-17; Joh 10:35

made we not our prayer before. Heb. intreated we not theface of.

Job 36:13; Isa 9:13; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Ho 7:7,10,14

that we.

De 29:4; Ps 85:4; 119:18,27,73; Isa 64:7; Jer 31:18; 44:27; La 5:21

Lu 24:45; Joh 6:45; 8:32; Eph 1:17,18; 4:21; Jas 1:5


Jer 31:28; 44:27

the Lord.

7; Ne 9:33; Ps 51:14



that hast.

Ex 6:1,6; 14:1-15:27; 32:11; 1Ki 8:51; Ne 1:10; Jer 32:20-23

2Co 1:10

and hast.

Ex 9:16; 14:18; Ne 9:10; Ps 106:8; Isa 55:13; Jer 32:10

gotten thee renown. Heb. made thee a name. we have sinned.

5; Lu 15:18,19,21; 18:13


1Sa 2:7; Ne 9:8; Ps 31:1; 71:2; 143:1; Mic 6:4,5; 2Th 1:6; 1Jo 1:9

thy holy.

20; Ps 87:1-3; Joe 3:17; Zec 8:3

for the.

Ex 20:5; Le 26:39,40; Ps 106:6-48; Mt 23:31,32; Lu 11:47-51


1Ki 9:7-9; Ps 41:13; 79:4; Isa 64:9-11; Jer 24:9; 29:18; La 1:8,9

La 2:15,16


Nu 6:23-26; Ps 4:6; 67:1; 80:1,3,7,19; 119:135; Re 21:23

thy sanctuary.

La 5:18


19; Joh 16:24; 2Co 1:20


1Ki 8:29; 2Ki 19:16; Ps 17:6,7; Isa 37:17; 63:15-19; 64:12


Ex 3:7; Ps 80:14-19

which is called by thy name. Heb. whereupon thy name iscalled.

Jer 7:10; 14:9; 15:16; 25:29; 1Co 1:2

for we.

Isa 64:6; Jer 14:7; Eze 36:32

present. Heb. cause to fall.

Jer 36:7; 37:20; *marg:

O Lord, forgive.

Nu 14:19; 1Ki 8:30-39; 2Ch 6:21,25-30,39; Am 7:2; Lu 11:8


Ps 44:23-26; 74:9-11; 79:5; 85:5,6; 102:13,14; Isa 64:9-12


Ps 79:8-10; 102:15,16; 115:1,2; Jer 14:7,20,21; Eze 20:9,14,22

Eze 36:22; 39:25; Eph 1:6,12; 3:10

for thy.

18; Ps 79:6; Isa 63:16-19; Jer 14:9; 25:29
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