Ezra 9:6-7

I am ashamed.

Job 40:4; 42:6; Jer 3:3,24,25; 6:15; 8:12; 31:19; Eze 16:63

Da 9:7,8; Ro 6:21

our iniquities.

Ge 13:13; Ps 38:4; Isa 1:18; 59:12

trespass. or, guiltiness. grown up.

2Ch 28:9; Lu 15:21; Re 18:5

Since the days.

Nu 32:14; 2Ch 29:6; 30:7; Ne 9:32-34; Ps 106:6,7; La 5:7; Da 9:5-8

Zec 1:4,5; Mt 23:30-33; Ac 7:51,52

for our iniquities.

Le 26:14-46; De 4:25-28; 28:15-68; 29:22-28; 30:17-19; 31:20-22

De 32:15-28; 1Sa 12:15; 1Ki 9:6-9; Ne 9:30

into the hand.

2Ki 17:5-8; 18:9-12; 24:1-4; 2Ch 36:16-19; Ne 9:36,37; Da 9:11-14

to confusion.

Da 9:7,8

as it is this day.

Ne 9:32; Jer 25:18; 44:22

Nehemiah 1:6-11

thine ear.

1Ki 8:28,29; 2Ch 6:40; Ps 34:15; 130:2; Da 9:17,18

day and night.

1Sa 15:11; Ps 55:17; 88:1; Lu 2:37; 18:7; 1Ti 5:5; 2Ti 1:3


Ezr 9:6,7; 10:11; Ps 32:5; Isa 64:6,7; La 3:39-42; Da 9:4,20

1Jo 1:9

both I.

2Ch 28:10; 29:6; Ps 106:6; Isa 6:5; La 5:7; Eph 2:3


9:29-35; Ps 106:6; Da 9:5,6


2Ch 27:2; Ho 9:9; Zep 3:7; Re 19:2

the commandments.

Le 27:34; De 4:1; 5:1; 6:1; 28:15; 1Ki 2:3; Ps 19:8,9; 119:5-8

which thou.

De 4:5; 2Ch 25:4; Ezr 7:6; Da 9:11,13; Mal 4:4


Ps 119:49; Lu 1:72

If ye transgress.

Le 26:33-46; De 4:25-27; 28:64; 32:26-28; 1Ki 9:6,7

if ye turn.

Le 26:39-42; De 4:29-31; 30:2-5; Jer 29:11-14

yet will I.

1Ch 16:35; Ps 106:47; 147:2; Isa 11:12; 56:8; Jer 12:15; 31:10

Jer 32:37; 50:19,20; Mt 24:31

will bring.

Jer 3:14; Eze 36:24

the place.

De 12:5,21; 1Ki 9:3; Ezr 6:12

Now these.

Ex 32:11; De 9:29; Isa 63:16-19; 64:9; Da 9:15-27


Ex 15:13; De 15:15; Ps 74:2

thy strong.

Ex 6:1; 13:9; Ps 136:12; Da 9:15

Let now.

6; Ps 86:6; 130:2

who desire.

Pr 1:29; Isa 26:8,9; Heb 13:18


2:8; Ge 32:11,28; 43:14; Ezr 1:1; 7:6,27,28; Pr 21:1

For I was.The office of cup-bearer was one of great trust, honour, and emolument, in the Persian court. To be in such a place of trust he must have been in the king's confidence; for no eastern potentate would have a cup-bearer to whom he could not trust his life, poison being often administered in that way. It was an office much desired, because it gave access to the king in those seasons of hilarity when men are most disposed to grant favours.

2:1; Ge 40:2,9-13,21,23; 41:9

Nehemiah 9:26-30

they were.

Jud 2:11,12; 3:6,7; 10:6,13,14; Ps 78:56,57; 106:34-40

Eze 16:15-63; 20:21; 23:4-49

cast thy law.

1Ki 14:9; Ps 50:17; Eze 33:3-5


1Ki 18:4,13; 19:10; 2Ch 24:20,21; 36:16; Jer 26:20-23; Mt 21:35

Mt 23:34-37; Ac 7:52


18; 2Ki 21:11; Eze 22:25-31

thou deliveredst.

De 31:16-18; Jud 2:14,15; 3:8-30; 2Ch 36:17; Ps 106:41,42

Da 9:10-14

in the time.

De 4:29-31; Jud 3:15; 6:6-10; 10:15,16; Ps 106:43-45


Jud 2:18; 3:9-15; 1Sa 12:10,11; 2Ki 13:5; 14:27; Ob 1:21

did evil again. Heb. returned to do evil.

Jud 3:11,12,30; 4:1; 5:31; 6:1


1Ki 8:33,34,39; Isa 63:15

many times.

Ps 106:43-45


26; De 4:26; 31:21; 2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 24:19; 36:15; Jer 25:3-7; Ho 6:5

yet they.

10,16; Ex 10:3; Jer 13:15-17; 43:2; 44:10,16,17; Da 5:20

Jas 4:6-10


Le 18:5; Eze 20:11; Lu 10:28; Ro 10:5; Ga 3:12

withdrew the shoulder. Heb. gave a withdrawing shoulder.

Zec 7:11,12

and hardened.

Jer 7:26; 17:23; 19:15

many years.

Ps 86:15; Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9

forbear them. Heb. protract over them. testifiedst.

2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 36:15; Jer 7:25; 25:4

by thy spirit.

20; Isa 63:10; Ac 7:51; 28:25; 1Pe 1:11; 2Pe 1:21

thy prophets. Heb. the hand of thy prophets. therefore.

Isa 5:5,6; 42:24; Jer 40:2,3; 44:22; La 2:17; Zec 7:13

Psalms 106:6

78:8; Le 26:40; Nu 32:14; 1Ki 8:47; Ezr 9:6,7; Ne 9:16,32-34

Da 9:5-8; Mt 23:32; Ac 7:51,52

Isaiah 64:6-12

are all.

6:5; 53:6; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; 40:4; 42:5,6; Ps 51:5

Ro 7:18,24; Eph 2:1,2; Tit 3:3

all our.

57:12; Zec 3:3; Php 3:9; Re 3:17,18; 7:13

we all.

40:6-8; Ps 90:5,6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24,25

our iniquities.

57:13; Ps 1:4; Jer 4:11,12; Ho 4:19; Zec 5:8-11

there is.

50:2; 59:16; Ps 14:4; Eze 22:30; Ho 7:7,14

to take.

27:5; 56:4

hast hid.

57:17; 59:2; De 31:17; 32:19-25; Ho 5:15

consumed. Heb. melted.

Jer 9:7; Eze 22:18-22; 24:11

because. Heb. by the hand, as

Job 8:4; *marg:

thou art.

63:16; Ex 4:22; De 32:6; Ga 3:26,29

are the clay.

29:16; 45:9; Jer 18:2-6; Ro 9:20-24

all are.

43:7; 44:21,24; Job 10:8,9; Ps 100:3; 119:73; 138:8; Eph 2:10


Ps 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; 79:5-9; Jer 10:24; Hab 3:2


Jer 3:12; La 5:20; Mic 7:18-20; Mal 1:4; 2Pe 2:17; Re 20:10

we are.

63:19; Ps 79:13; 119:94

1:7; 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:19-21; Ps 79:1-7; La 1:1-4; 2:4-8; 5:18

Da 9:26,27; 12:7; Mic 3:12; Lu 21:21,24; Re 11:1,2


2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:19; Ps 74:5-7; Jer 52:13; La 2:7; Eze 7:20,21

Eze 24:21,25; Mt 24:2


1Ki 8:14,56; 2Ch 6:4; 7:3,6; 29:25-30

all our.

La 1:7,10,11

42:14; Ps 10:1; 74:10,11,18,19; 79:5; 80:3,4; 83:1; 89:46-51

Zec 1:12; Re 6:10

Daniel 9:5-11

have sinned.

15; 1Ki 8:47-50; 2Ch 6:37-39; Ezr 9:6; Ne 1:6-8; 9:33,34; Ps 106:6

Isa 64:5-7; Jer 3:25; 14:7


Ps 18:21; 119:102; Isa 59:13; Eze 6:9; Ho 1:2; Mal 3:7; Heb 3:12

have we.

10; 2Ki 17:13,14; 2Ch 33:10; 36:15,16; Isa 30:10,11; Jer 6:16,17

Jer 7:13,25,26; 25:3-7; 26:5; 29:19; 32:32,33; 44:4,5,16; Zec 1:4-6

Zec 7:8-12; Mt 21:34-40; 23:37; Lu 20:10-12; Ac 7:51,52; 13:27

1Th 2:15,16

our kings.

Ezr 9:7; Ne 9:32,34


8,14; De 32:4; Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Ps 51:4,14; 119:137; Jer 12:1

Lu 23:40,41

belongeth unto thee. or, thou hast, etc. unto us.

Ezr 9:6,7; Ps 44:15; Isa 45:16; Jer 2:26,27; 3:25; Eze 16:63; 36:31

Ro 6:21


De 4:27; 2Ki 17:6,7; Isa 11:11; Jer 24:9; Am 9:9; Ac 2:5-11


Le 26:33,34

to us.



Jer 14:20; La 1:7,8,18; 3:42; 5:16

To the Lord.From God's goodness flow His mercies; and from His mercies, forgiveness.

7; Ex 34:6,7; Nu 14:18,19; Ne 9:17,31; Ps 62:12; 86:5,15; 130:4,7

Ps 145:8,9; Isa 55:7; 63:7; La 3:22,23; Jon 4:2; Mic 7:18,19

Eph 1:6-8; 2:4-7


5; Ne 9:18,19,26-28; Ps 106:43-45; Jer 14:7; Eze 20:8,9,13


6; 2Ki 17:13; 18:12; Ezr 9:10,11; Ne 9:13-17; Heb 1:1


2Ki 17:18-23; Isa 1:4-6; Jer 8:5-10; 9:26; Eze 22:26-31

the curse.

Le 26:14-46; De 27:15-26; 28:15-68; 29:20-29; 30:17-19; 31:17,18

De 32:19-42
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