Genesis 11:26

A.M. 1948. B.C. 2056. Abram.

12:4,5; 22:20-24; 29:4,5; Jos 24:2; 1Ch 1:26,27

Genesis 11:31

A.M. 2078. B.C. 1926. took.

26,27; 12:1

they went.

28; 12:1; Jos 24:2,3; Heb 11:8

Ur.Ur was probably the place called Ouri, in Mesopotamia, two days' journey from Nisibis, in the way to the river Tigris.

Jos 24:2; Ne 9:7; Ac 7:2-4

the land.

10:19; 24:10

B.C. cir. 1923. A.M. cir. 2081. Haran.

32; 12:4; 24:10,15; 27:43; 29:4,5; Ac 7:2-4


Genesis 12:1

1 God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ.

4 He departs with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan.

6 He journeys through Canaan,

7 which is promised to him in a vision.

10 He is driven by famine into Egypt.

11 Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister.

14 Pharaoh, having taken her from him, by plagues is compelled to restore her.

18 He reproves Abram, whom he dismisses.


11:31,32; 15:7; Ne 9:7; Isa 41:9; 51:2; Eze 33:24


Jos 24:2,3; Ps 45:10,11; Lu 14:26-33; Ac 7:2-6; 2Co 6:17; Heb 11:8

Re 18:4

Genesis 31:53

God of Abraham.

11:24-29,31; 17:7; 22:20-24; 24:3,4; Ex 3:6; Jos 24:2

their father.For {avihem,} "Their father," several MSS. read avichem, "Your father," for Terah was an idolater: see Jos 24:2.




14:22; 21:23,24; 24:3; 26:28-31


42; De 6:13

Deuteronomy 26:5

A Syrian.Jacob being called a Syrian from his long residence in Padan-aram.

Ge 24:4; 25:20; 28:5; 31:20,24; Ho 12:12


Ge 27:41; 31:40; 43:1,2,12; 45:7,11; Isa 51:1,2

he went down.

Ge 46:1-7; Ps 105:23,24; Ac 7:15

a few.

7:7; Ge 46:27; Ex 1:5


10:22; Ge 47:27; Ex 1:7,12

Isaiah 51:2

unto Abraham.

Ge 15:1,2; 18:11-13; Jos 24:3; Ro 4:1-5,16-24


Ge 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:4,5; 22:17; 24:1,35; Ne 9:7,8; Eze 33:24

Ga 3:9-14; Heb 11:8-12

Ezekiel 16:3

Thy birth. Heb. Thy cutting out, or habitation.

45; 21:30; Ge 11:25,29; Jos 24:14; Ne 9:7; Isa 1:10; 51:1,2

Mt 3:7; 11:24; Lu 3:7; Joh 8:44; Eph 2:3; 1Jo 3:10


Ge 15:16; De 20:17; 1Ki 21:26; 2Ki 21:11


Ezr 9:1
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