Genesis 11:27-31

A.M. 2008. B.C. 1996. Lot.

31; 12:4; 13:1-11; 14:12; 19:1-29; 2Pe 2:7


15:7; Ne 9:7; Ac 7:2-4


17:15; 20:12


22:20; 24:15

Iscah.Iscah is called the daughter-in-law of Terah, (ver. 31,) as being Abram's wife; yet Abram afterwards said, "she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother." (ch. 20:12.) Probably Haran was the eldest son of Terah, and Abram his youngest by another wife; and thus Sarai was the daughter, or grand-daughter of Terah, Abram's father, but not of his mother.


15:2,3; 16:1,2; 18:11,12; 21:1,2; 25:21; 29:31; 30:1,2; Jud 13:2

1Sa 1:2; Ps 113:9; Lu 1:7,36

A.M. 2078. B.C. 1926. took.

26,27; 12:1

they went.

28; 12:1; Jos 24:2,3; Heb 11:8

Ur.Ur was probably the place called Ouri, in Mesopotamia, two days' journey from Nisibis, in the way to the river Tigris.

Jos 24:2; Ne 9:7; Ac 7:2-4

the land.

10:19; 24:10

B.C. cir. 1923. A.M. cir. 2081. Haran.

32; 12:4; 24:10,15; 27:43; 29:4,5; Ac 7:2-4


Genesis 13:8


Pr 15:1; Mt 5:9; 1Co 6:6,7; Php 2:14; Heb 12:14; Jas 3:17,18

brethren. Heb. men, brethren.

11:27-31; 45:24; Ex 2:13; Ps 133:1; Ac 7:26; Ro 12:10; Eph 4:2,3

1Th 4:9; Heb 13:1; 1Pe 1:22; 2:17; 3:8; 4:8; 2Pe 1:7; 1Jo 2:9-11

1Jo 3:14-19; 4:7,20,21

Proverbs 17:17

18:24; 19:7; Ru 1:16; 1Sa 18:3; 19:2; 20:17; 23:16; 2Sa 1:26; 9:1-13

Es 4:14; Joh 15:13,14; Heb 2:11

Proverbs 24:11-12

1Sa 26:8,9; Job 29:17; Ps 82:4; Isa 58:6,7; Lu 10:31,32; 23:23-25

Ac 18:17; 21:31,32; 23:10,23-35; 1Jo 3:16,17

doth not he that.

5:21; 21:2; 1Sa 16:7; Ps 7:9; 17:3; 44:21; Ec 5:8; Jer 17:10; Ro 2:16

1Co 4:5; Heb 4:12,13; Re 2:18,23

that keepeth.

1Sa 2:6; 25:29; Ps 66:9; 121:3,8; Da 5:23; Ac 17:28; Re 1:18

and shall.

Job 34:11; Ps 62:12; Jer 32:19; Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6; 2Co 5:10; Re 2:23

Re 20:12-15; 22:12

Galatians 6:1-2

1 He moves them to deal mildly with a brother that has slipped,

2 and to bear one another's burden;

6 to be liberal to their teachers,

9 and not weary of well-doing.

12 He shows what they intend that preach circumcision.

14 He glories in nothing, save in the cross of Christ.

if. or, although. overtaken.

2:11-13; Ge 9:20-24; 12:11-13; Nu 20:10-13; 2Sa 11:2-27

Mt 26:69,75

Ro 14:1; 15:1; Heb 12:13; Jas 5:19


Ro 8:6; 15:1; 1Co 2:15; 3:1; 14:37


2Sa 12:1-15; Job 4:3,4; Isa 35:3,4; Eze 34:16; Mt 9:13; 18:12-15

Lu 15:4-7,22-32; Heb 12:13; Jas 5:19,20; 1Jo 5:16; Jude 1:22,23

in the.

5:23; Mt 11:29; 1Co 4:21; 2Co 10:1; 2Th 3:15; 2Ti 2:25; Jas 3:13

1Pe 3:15


1Co 7:5; 10:12; Heb 13:3; Jas 3:2


5; 5:13,14; Ex 23:5; Nu 11:11,12; De 1:12; Isa 58:6

Mt 8:17; 11:29,30; Lu 11:46; Ro 15:1; 1Th 5:14; 1Pe 2:24

the law.

Joh 13:14,15,34; 15:12; 1Co 9:21; Jas 2:8; 1Jo 2:8-11; 4:21

1 John 2:18


Joh 21:5

it is.

2Ti 3:1; Heb 1:2; 1Pe 1:5,20; 2Pe 3:3; Jude 1:18

ye have.

4:3; Mt 24:5,11,24; Mr 13:6,21,22; Ac 20:29,30; 2Th 2:3-12

1Ti 4:1-3; 2Ti 3:1-6; 4:3,4; 2Pe 2:1


22; 4:3; 2Jo 1:7


1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 3:1
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