Genesis 12:15


Es 2:2-16; Pr 29:12; Ho 7:4,5Pharaoh was a common name of the Egyptian kings, and signified a "ruler," or "king," or "father of his country."

40:2; 41:1; Ex 2:5,15; 1Ki 3:1; 2Ki 18:21; Jer 25:19; 46:17; Eze 32:2


20:2; Es 2:9; Ps 105:4; Pr 6:29; Heb 13:4

Genesis 26:1

1 Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord instructs and blesses him.

7 He is reproved by Abimelech for denying his wife.

12 He grows rich, and the Philistines envy his prosperity.

18 He digs Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth.

23 God appears to him at Beer-sheba, and blesses him; and Abimelech makes a covenant with him.

34 Esau's wives.

A.M. 2200. B.C. 1804. the first.


And Isaac.



20:2; 21:22-32

Genesis 26:16

Go.Dr. A. Clarke observes, that this is the first instance on record of what was termed among the Greeks, ostracism, i.e., the banishment of person from the state, of whose power, influence, or riches, the people were jealous.


Ex 1:9
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