Genesis 13:9

Is not.

20:15; 34:10

if thou wilt.

Ps 120:7; Ro 12:18; 1Co 6:7; Heb 12:14; Jas 3:13-18; 1Pe 3:8-12

Genesis 34:10

and the land.

21-23; 13:9; 20:15; 42:34; 47:27

Genesis 47:6


11; 13:9; 20:15; 34:10; 45:18-20; Pr 21:1; Joh 17:2



men of activity.{Anshey chayil,} men of strength, power, ability, or prowess. It implies both fitness of mind and body; and so valour, prudence, diligence, and virtue.


Ex 18:21; 1Sa 21:7; 1Ch 27:29-31; 2Ch 26:10; Pr 22:29

cattle{Mikneh}, from {kanah}, to posses, signifies property or possession of any kind, though it frequently is used for cattle, because in ancient times they constituted the principal part of a man's possessions.

16; Ex 9:3-6,10,21
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