Genesis 15:1

1 God encourages Abram, who complains for want of an heir.

4 God promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed.

6 Abram is justified by faith.

7 Canaan is promised again, and confirmed by a sign, and a vision, prophetic of the condition of his posterity till brought out of Egypt.

A.M. 2093. B.C. 1911. in.

46:2; Nu 12:6; 1Sa 9:9; Eze 1:1; 3:4; 11:24; Da 10:1-16; Ac 10:10-17

Ac 10:22; Heb 1:1


14-16; 26:24; 46:3; Ex 14:13; De 31:6; 1Ch 28:20; Ps 27:1; Isa 35:4

Isa 41:10,14; 43:1,5; 44:2,8; 51:12; Da 10:12; Mt 8:26; 10:28-31

Mt 28:5; Lu 1:13,30; 12:32; Re 1:17

thy shield.

De 33:29; Ps 3:3; 5:12; 18:2; 84:9,11; 91:4; 119:114; Pr 30:5

and thy.

De 33:26-29; Ru 2:12; Ps 16:5,6; 58:11; 142:5; Pr 11:18; La 3:24

1Co 3:22; Heb 13:5,6; Re 21:3,4

Genesis 17:1-3

1 God renews the covenant with Abram, and changes his name to Abraham, in token of a greater blessing.

9 Circumcision is instituted.

15 Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and she is blessed.

17 Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed.

23 Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.

A.M. 2107. B.C. 1897. was.


the Lord.



18:14; 28:3; 35:11; Ex 6:3; Nu 11:23; De 10:17; Job 11:7; Ps 115:3

Jer 32:17; Da 4:35; Mt 19:26; Eph 3:20; Php 4:13; Heb 7:25


5:22,24; 6:9; 48:15; 1Ki 2:4; 3:6; 8:25; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 116:9; Isa 38:3

Mic 6:8; Lu 1:6; Ac 23:1; 24:16; Heb 12:28

perfect. or, upright, or sincere.

6:9; De 18:13; Job 1:1; Mt 5:48

And I.

4-6; 9:9; 15:18; Ps 105:8-11; Ga 3:17,18


12:2; 13:16; 22:17

17; Ex 3:6; Le 9:23,24; Nu 14:5; 16:22,45; Jos 5:14; Jud 13:20

1Ki 18:39; Eze 1:28; 3:23; 9:8; Da 8:17,18; 10:9; Mt 17:6; Re 1:17

Genesis 17:22

3; 18:33; 35:9-15; Ex 20:22; Nu 12:6-8; De 5:4; Jud 6:21; 13:20

Joh 1:18; 10:30

Genesis 26:2


12:7; 17:1; 18:1,10-20


12:1; Ps 37:3

Genesis 48:3


17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Ex 6:3; Re 21:11


28:12-19; 35:6,7,9,11,12; Ho 12:4


Jud 1:23

Exodus 4:1

1 Moses's rod is turned into a serpent.

6 His hand is leprous.

10 He is loath to be sent.

13 Aaron is appointed to assist him.

18 Moses departs from Jethro.

21 God's message to Pharaoh.

24 Zipporah circumcises her son.

27 Aaron is sent to meet Moses.

29 The people believe them.

31; 2:14; 3:18; Jer 1:6; Eze 3:14; Ac 7:25

2 Chronicles 1:7

In that night.This was the night following the sacrifice which Solomon had offered.

1Ki 3:5-15; Pr 3:5,6


Mt 7:7,8; Mr 10:36,37,51; Joh 16:23; 1Jo 5:14,15

Acts 7:2


22:1; 23:7

The God.

Ps 24:7,10; 29:3; Isa 6:3; Mt 6:13; Lu 2:14; Joh 1:14; 12:41

2Co 4:4-6; Tit 2:13; *Gr:

Heb 1:3; Re 4:11; 5:12,13


Ge 12:1; Ne 9:7; Isa 51:2


Jos 24:2


Ge 11:31; 12:5; 29:4

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