Genesis 16:12

be a.

21:20; Job 11:12; 39:5-8

wild.The word rendered "wild" also denotes the "wild ass;" the description of which animal in Job 39:5-8, affords the very best representation of the wandering, lawless, freebooting life of the Bedouin and other Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael.

his hand.


he shall.


Genesis 27:40

thy sword.

32:6; Mt 10:34


25:23; 2Sa 8:14; 1Ki 11:15-17; 2Ki 14:7,10; 1Ch 18:11-13

2Ch 25:11,12; Ps 60:8; Ob 1:17-21

that thou.

2Ki 8:20-22; 2Ch 21:8,10; 28:17

Job 5:5


De 28:33,51; Jud 6:3-6; Isa 62:8

the thorns.

Jud 6:11; 2Ch 33:11

the robber.

1:15,17; 12:6; 18:9; Ho 8:7


2:3; 20:15; Jer 51:34,44; La 2:5,16

Job 12:6


9:24; 21:7-15; Ps 17:14; 37:1,35; 73:11,12; Jer 5:27
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