Genesis 16:2

the Lord.

17:16; 18:10; 20:18; 25:21; 30:2,3,9,22; Ps 127:3

obtain children. Heb be builded.

30:3,6; Ex 21:4; Ru 4:11



Genesis 25:21

A.M. 2167. B.C. 1837. intreated.

1Sa 1:11,27; Ps 50:15; 65:2; 91:15; Isa 45:11; 58:9; 65:24; Lu 1:13


11:30; 15:2,3; 16:2; 17:16-19; 1Sa 1:2; Lu 1:7

and the.

1Ch 5:20; 2Ch 33:13; Ezr 8:23; Ps 145:19; Pr 10:24

and Rebekah.

Ro 9:10-12

Genesis 50:19

fear not.

45:5; Mt 14:27; Lu 24:37,38

for am I.It belongs to God to execute vengeance, and Joseph did not intend to usurp his prerogative. Thus he instructed his brethren not to fear him, but to fear God; to humble themselves before God, and to seek his forgiveness.

30:2; De 32:35; 2Ki 5:7; Job 34:19-29; Ro 12:19; Heb 10:30

1 Samuel 1:5

a worthy portion. or, a double portion.The Hebrew phrase, {manah achath appayim,} is correctly rendered by Gesenius, {ein Stud fur zwei personen, doppelle Portion,} "a portion for two persons, a double portion;" for {aph} in Hebrew, and [prosopon] in Greek, which literally mean a face, are used for a person.

Ge 43:34; 45:22

he loved.

Ge 29:30,31; De 21:15

shut up.

Ge 20:18; 30:2

1 Samuel 2:5-6


Ps 34:10; Lu 1:53; 16:25

the barren.

1:20; Ps 113:9

waxed feeble.

1:6; Isa 54:1; Jer 15:9; Ga 4:27


De 32:39; 2Ki 5:7; Job 5:18; Ps 68:20; Ho 6:1,2; Joh 5:25-29; 11:25

Re 1:18

he bringeth.

20:3; Ps 116:3; Isa 26:19; Jon 2:2-6; Mt 12:40; 2Co 1:9,10

2 Kings 5:7

that he rent.

11:14; 18:37; 19:1; Nu 14:6; Jer 36:24; Mt 26:65; Ac 14:14

Am I God.

Ge 30:2; De 32:29; 1Sa 2:6; Da 2:11; Ho 6:1

see how.

1Ki 20:7; Lu 11:54
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