Genesis 17:19


21; 18:10-14; 21:2,3,6; 2Ki 4:16,17; Lu 1:13-20; Ro 9:6-9; Ga 4:28-31

Isaac.{Yitzchak,} which we change into Isaac, signifies laughter; in allusion to Abraham's laughing, ver. 17. By this Abraham did not express his unbelief or weakness of faith, but his joy at the prospect of the fulfilment of so glorious a promise; and to this our Lord evidently alludes, Joh 8:56.

Genesis 21:6


17:17; 18:12-15; 1Sa 1:26-28; 2:1-10; Ps 113:9; 126:2; Isa 49:15,21

Isa 54:1; Lu 1:46-55; Joh 16:21,22; Ga 4:27,28; Heb 11:11

to laugh.Sarah most likely remembered the circumstance mentioned in ch. 18:12; and also the name Isaac, which implies laughter.

will laugh.

Lu 1:14,58; Ro 12:15

Genesis 21:12


1Sa 8:7,9; Isa 46:10

in Isaac.

17:19,21; Ro 9:7,8; Heb 11:18

Genesis 22:2


17:19; 21:12; Joh 3:16; Ro 5:8; 8:32; Heb 11:17; 1Jo 4:9,10


2Ch 3:1

and offer.

Jud 11:31,39; 2Ki 3:27; Mic 6:7

Joshua 24:3

I took.

Ge 12:1-4; Ne 9:7,8; Ac 7:2,3


Ge 21:2,3; Ps 127:3

Matthew 1:2


Ge 21:2-5; Jos 24:2,3; 1Ch 1:28; Isa 51:2; Lu 3:34; Ac 7:8

Ro 9:7-9; Heb 11:11,17,18

Isaac begat.

Ge 25:26; Jos 24:4; 1Ch 1:34; Isa 41:8; Mal 1:2,3; Ro 9:10-13

Jacob begat.

Ge 29:32-35; 30:5-20; 35:16-19; 46:8-27; 49:8-12; Ex 1:2-5

1Ch 2:1-8; 5:1,2; Lu 3:33,34; Ac 7:8; Heb 7:14; Re 7:5


Acts 7:8

the covenant.

Ge 17:9-14; Joh 7:22; Ro 4:10; Ga 3:15,17

and so.Or, "and thus," [kai houtos ,] in this covenant.

Ge 17:12; 21:1-4

and Isaac.

Ge 25:21-26; 1Ch 1:34; Mt 1:2; Ro 9:9-13

and Jacob.

Ge 29:31-35; 30:1-24; 35:16,23-26; Ex 1:1-4; 1Ch 2:1,2


2:29; Heb 7:4

Romans 9:7


Lu 3:8; 16:24,25,30; Joh 8:37-39; Php 3:3

In Isaac.

Ge 21:12; Heb 11:18

Hebrews 11:18

Of. or, To. That.

Ge 17:19; 21:12; Ro 9:7
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