Genesis 18:19

For I.

2Sa 7:20; Ps 1:6; 11:4; 34:15; Joh 10:14; 21:17; 2Ti 2:19


17:23-27; De 4:9,10; 6:6,7; 11:19-21; 32:46; Jos 24:15; 1Ch 28:9

Job 1:5; Ps 78:2-9; Pr 6:20-22; 22:6; Isa 38:19; Eph 6:4; 1Ti 3:4

1Ti 3:5,12; 2Ti 1:5; 3:15

that the.

1Sa 2:30,31; Ac 27:23,24,31

Exodus 12:26-27

your children.

13:8,9,14,15,22; De 6:7; 11:19; 32:7; Jos 4:6,7,21-24; Ps 78:3-6

Ps 145:4; Isa 38:19; Eph 6:4

It is the sacrifice.

11,23; 34:25; De 16:2,5; 1Co 5:7


4:31; 34:8; 1Ch 29:20; 2Ch 20:18; 29:30; Ne 8:6

Exodus 13:14-15

thy son.

12:26; De 6:20-24; Jos 4:6,21-24; Ps 145:4

in time to come. Heb. tomorrow.

12:26; Ge 30:33; De 6:20; Jos 4:6; 22:24

By strength.


the Lord slew.


therefore I.


Deuteronomy 4:9

keep thy soul.

15,23; Pr 3:1,3; 4:20-23; Lu 8:18; Heb 2:3; Jas 2:22

lest they.

Jos 1:18; Ps 119:11; Pr 3:1-3,21; 4:4; 7:1; Heb 2:1; Re 3:3

teach them.

6:7; 11:19; 29:29; 31:19; Ge 18:19; Ex 13:8,9,14-16; Jos 4:6,7,21

Ps 34:11-16; 71:18; 78:3-8; Pr 1:8; 4:1-13; 23:26; Isa 38:19

Eph 6:4

Deuteronomy 6:7

And thou shalt.

2; 4:9,10; 11:19; Ge 18:19; Ex 12:26,27; 13:14,15; Ps 78:4-6

Eph 6:4

teach. Heb. whet, or sharpen. shalt talk.

Ru 2:4,12; 4:11; Ps 37:30; 40:9,10; 119:46; 129:8; Pr 6:22; 10:21

Pr 15:2,7; Mal 3:16; Mt 12:35; Lu 6:45; Eph 4:29; Col 4:6; 1Pe 3:15

Deuteronomy 6:20-24

when thy son.

7; Ex 12:26; 13:14; Jos 4:6,7,21-24; Pr 22:6

in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.

We were.

5:6,15; 15:15; 26:5-9

See on

Ex 20:2; Ne 9:9,10; Ps 136:10-12; Isa 51:1; Jer 32:20,21

Ro 6:17,18; Eph 2:11,12

with a mighty.

Ex 3:19; 13:3


4:34; Ex 7:1-12:51; 14:1-31; Ps 135:9

sore. Heb. evil. before.

1:30; 3:21; 4:3; 7:19; Ps 58:10,11; 91:8

to give us.

10,18; 1:8,35

See on

Ex 13:5

to fear.


for our good.

10:13; Job 35:7,8; Pr 9:12; Isa 3:10; Jer 32:39; Mt 6:33

Ro 6:21,22

he might.

4:1,4; 8:1,3; Ps 41:2; 66:9; Pr 22:4; Ro 10:5

Deuteronomy 11:19-21

4:9,10; 6:7; Ps 34:11; 78:5,6; Pr 2:1; 4:1-27; Isa 38:19


your days.

4:40; 5:16; 6:2; Pr 3:2,16; 4:10; 9:11

as the days.

Ps 72:5; 89:28,29; Isa 65:20; Re 20:6
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