Genesis 18:2

And he.

Jud 13:3,9; Heb 13:2


22; 19:1; Heb 13:2; 1Pe 4:9

he ran.

Ro 12:13


23:7; 33:3-7; 43:26,28; 44:14; Ru 2:10; 2Ki 2:15

Genesis 32:24-30


30:8; Lu 13:24; 22:44; Ro 8:26,27; 15:30; Eph 6:12,18; Col 2:1; 4:12

Heb 5:7


28,30; 48:16; Isa 32:2; Ho 12:3-5; 1Co 15:47

breaking of the day. Heb. ascending of the morning.

Ex 14:27; So 2:17

that he.

19:22; Nu 14:13,14; Isa 41:14; 45:11; Ho 12:3,4; Mt 15:22-28

Lu 11:5-8


32; Ps 30:6,7; Mt 26:41,44; 2Co 12:7-9

Let me go.

Ex 32:10; De 9:14; So 7:5; Isa 45:11; 64:7; Lu 24:28,29

I will not.

So 3:4; Ho 12:4; Lu 18:1-7; Ro 8:37; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 5:7

thou bless.

1Ch 4:10; Ps 67:1,6,7; 115:12,13


Thy name.

17:5,15; 33:20; 35:10; Nu 13:16; 2Sa 12:25; 2Ki 17:34; Isa 62:2-4

Isa 65:15; Joh 1:42; Re 2:17

Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty, surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.


24; Ho 12:3-5

with men.

25:31; 27:33-36; 31:24,36-55; 33:4; 1Sa 26:25; Pr 16:7


27; De 29:29; Jud 13:16-18; Job 11:7; Pr 30:4; Isa 9:6; Lu 1:19


26; 27:28,29; 28:3,4,13,14; Ho 6:1




28:19; Jud 8:8,17; 1Ki 12:25

Peniel. i.e., the face of God.Peniel, or Penuel, was evidently situated near the ford of Jabbok, on the north of that stream, about forty miles from Jerusalem.

I have.

16:13; Ex 24:10,11; 33:14,19-23; Nu 12:8; De 5:24; 34:10

Jud 6:22,23; 13:21,22; Isa 6:5; Joh 1:18; 2Co 3:18; 4:6; Ga 1:6

Eph 1:17; Col 1:15; 2Ti 1:10; Heb 11:27

Exodus 23:23

mine Angel.

20; 32:2; Isa 5:13

thee in.

3:17; Ge 15:19-21; 34:2; Jos 24:8-11

the Hivites.The LXX., Samaritan, Coptic, and one Hebrew MS. add, "and the Girgashite;" thus making the seven nations.

Joshua 6:2

the Lord.


See, I have.

9-24; 2:9,24; 8:1; 11:6-8; Jud 11:21; 2Sa 5:19; Ne 9:24; Da 2:21,44

Da 4:17,35; 5:18

the king.

De 7:24; Jud 11:24

Judges 13:8-9

teach us.

Job 34:32; Pr 3:5,6; Ac 9:6


Ps 65:2; Mt 7:7-11

Judges 13:11


Judges 13:22

We shall.

Ge 32:30; Ex 33:20; De 4:38; 5:26; Isa 6:5

we have.

Joh 1:18; 5:37

Daniel 10:5

and behold.

12:6,7; Jos 5:13; Zec 1:8; Re 1:13-15

a certain man. Heb. one man. clothed.

12:6,7; Eze 9:2


Isa 11:5; Eph 6:14; Re 1:13-15; 15:6,7


Jer 10:9
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