Genesis 18:27

I have.

30-32; Ezr 9:6; Job 42:6-8; Isa 6:5; Lu 18:1


2:7; 3:19; Job 4:19; Ps 8:4; 144:3; Ec 12:7; Isa 6:5; 64:8; Lu 5:8

1Co 15:47,48; 2Co 5:1,2

Genesis 18:32


30; Jud 6:39; Pr 15:8; Isa 42:6,7; Jas 5:15-17; 1Jo 5:15,16

I will not.

Ex 32:9,10,14; 33:13,14; 34:6,7,9,10; Nu 14:11-20; Job 33:23

Ps 86:5; Isa 65:8; Mic 7:18; Mt 7:7; Eph 3:20; Jas 5:16

Genesis 44:18

Oh my Lord."No paraphrase," says Dr. A. Clarke, "can heighten the effect of Judah's address to Joseph. To add, would be to diminish its excellence; to attempt to explain, would be to obscure its beauties; to clothe the ideas in other language than that of Judah, and his translators in our Bible, would ruin its energy, and destroy its influence. It is perhaps one of the most tender, affecting pieces of natural oratory ever spoken or penned: and we need not wonder to find that, when Joseph heard it, he could not refrain himself, but wept aloud. His soul must have been insensible beyond what is common to human nature, had he not immediately yielded to a speech so delicately tender, and so powerfully impressive."

let thy.

18:30,32; 2Sa 14:12; Job 33:31; Ac 2:29


Ex 32:22; Es 1:12; Ps 79:5

as Pharaoh.

41:40,44; Pr 19:12; Da 3:15,19-23; 5:19; Joh 5:22

Jeremiah 12:1

1 Jeremiah, complaining of the wicked's prosperity, by faith sees their ruin.

5 God admonishes him of his brethren's treachery against him;

7 and laments his heritage.

14 He promises to the penitent return from captivity.


11:20; Ge 18:25; De 32:4; Ps 51:4; 119:75,137; 145:17; Da 9:7

Hab 1:13-17; Zep 3:5; Ro 3:5,6

talk. or, reason the case.

Job 13:3; Isa 41:21

Wherefore doth.

5:28; Job 12:6; 21:7-15; Ps 37:1,35; 73:3-28; 92:7; 94:3,4; Pr 1:32

Hab 1:4; Mal 3:15


6; 5:11; Isa 48:8; Ho 6:7
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