Genesis 19:11

with blindness.The word {sanverim,} rendered "blindness," and which occurs only here, and in 2 Ki 6:18, is supposed to denote dazzlings, deceptions, or confusions of sight from excessive light; being derived by Schultens, who is followed by Parkhurst, from the Arabic {sana,} to pour forth, diffuse, and nor, light. Dr. Geddes, to the same purpose, thinks it is compounded of the Arabic {sana,} which signifies a flash, and or, light. The Targums, in both places where it occurs, render it by eruptions, or flashes of light, or as Mercer, in Robertson, explains the Chaldee word, irradiations.

2Ki 6:18; Ac 13:11

that they.

Ec 10:15; Isa 57:10; Jer 2:36

Deuteronomy 1:17

shall not.

10:17; 16:19; Le 19:15; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 14:14; Pr 24:23; Lu 20:21

Ac 10:34,35; Ro 2:11; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; Jas 2:1,3,9; 1Pe 1:17

respect persons. Heb. acknowledge faces.That is, let not the bold, daring countenances of the rich or mighty induce you to give an unrighteous decision; and let not the abject look of the poor man induce you either to favour him in an unrighteous cause, or to give judgment against him at the demand of the oppressor.

ye shall hear.

Ex 23:3,6,7; 1Sa 12:3,4; Job 22:6-9; 29:11-17; 31:13-16; Ps 82:3,4

Pr 22:22,23; Jer 5:28,29; Am 5:11,12; Mic 2:1-3; 3:1-4; 7:3,4

Jas 2:2-4,5

ye shall not.

1Ki 21:8-14; Job 31:34; Pr 29:25; Jer 1:17; Mt 22:16; Mr 12:14

1Th 2:4

the judgment.

2Ch 19:6

the cause.

17:8-10; Ex 18:18,22,26

2 Chronicles 15:13


Ex 22:20; De 13:5-15; 17:2-5; 1Ki 18:40

whether small.

Ge 19:11; Ex 12:29; De 29:18; Job 3:19; 34:19; Ps 115:13; Ac 26:22

Re 6:15; 20:12
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