Genesis 19:20-30


30; Pr 3:5-7; Am 3:6

and my.

12:13; Ps 119:175; Isa 55:3

See, I.

4:7; Job 42:8,9; Ps 34:15; 102:17; 145:19; Jer 14:10; Mt 12:20

Lu 11:8; Heb 2:17; 4:15,16

thee. Heb. thy face. that.

12:2; 18:24


32:25-28; Ex 32:10; De 9:14; Ps 91:1-10; Isa 65:8; Mr 6:5; 2Ti 2:13

Tit 1:2


13:10; 14:2; Isa 15:5; Jer 48:34

Zoar. i.e., little.


risen. Heb. gone forth.


the Lord.

De 29:23; Job 18:15; Ps 11:6; Isa 1:9; 13:19; Jer 20:16; 49:18; 50:40

La 4:6; Eze 16:49,50; Ho 11:8; Am 4:11; Zep 2:9; Mt 11:23,24

Lu 17:28,29; 2Pe 2:6; Jude 1:7

brimstone.The word rendered "brimstone," (q.d. brennestone, or brinnestone, {id est} burning-stone,) is always rendered by the LXX. "sulphur," and seems to denote a meteorous inflammable matter.

13:10; 14:3; Ps 107:34

looked.This unhappy woman, says the Rev. T. Scott, "looked back," contrary to God's express command, perhaps with a hope of returning, which latter supposition is favoured by our Lord's words, "Let him not return back: remember Lot's wife." She was, therefore, instantaneously struck dead and petrified, and thus remained to after ages a visible monument of the Divine displeasure.

17; Pr 14:14; Lu 17:31,32; Heb 10:38


Nu 16:38


Ps 5:3

to the.

18:22-33; Eze 16:49,50; Hab 2:1; Heb 2:1

Ps 107:34; 2Pe 2:7; Jude 1:7; Re 14:10,11; 18:9,18; 19:3; 21:8

that God.

8:1; 12:2; 18:23-33; 30:22; De 9:5; Ne 13:14,22; Ps 25:7; 105:8,42

Ps 106:4; 136:23; 145:20; Eze 36:31,32; Ho 11:8



for he.

49:4; Jer 2:36,37; Jas 1:8


13:10; 14:22; De 34:3; Isa 15:5; Jer 48:34

Deuteronomy 34:3

the city of palm.

Jud 1:16; 3:13; 2Ch 28:15


Ge 14:2,8; 19:22; Nu 34:3

Isaiah 15:5

My heart.

16:9-11; Jer 8:18,19; 9:10,18,19; 13:17; 17:16; 48:31-36

Lu 19:41-44; Ro 9:1-3

his fugitives, etc. or, to the borders thereof, even as anheifer. Zoar.

Ge 13:10; 14:2; 19:22


16:14; Jer 48:34

the mounting.

Jer 48:5,34


2Sa 15:23,30

destruction. Heb. breaking.

22:5; Jer 4:20

Jeremiah 48:34

the cry.

2; Isa 15:4-6


Nu 32:37



Jahazah. Zoar.

3,5; De 34:3; Isa 15:5

as an heifer of.As a young cow, when deprived of her first calf; which runs about from place to place, filling the air with loud and repeated lowings, expressive of the deepest distress.


Nu 32:3


Nu 32:36


Isa 15:6

desolate. Heb. desolations.
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