Genesis 2:14


Da 10:4

The Tigris. toward the east of. or, eastward to.

10:11,22; 25:18


15:18; De 1:7; 11:24; Re 9:14

Genesis 10:10-11

A.M. 1745. B.C. 2259. And the.

Jer 50:21; Mic 5:6

Babel. Gr. Babylon.

11:9; Isa 39:1; Mic 4:10


Isa 10:9; Am 6:2


11:2; 14:1; Isa 11:11; Da 1:2; Zec 5:11

A.M. 1700. B.C. 2304. went forth Asshur. or, he went outinto Assyria.

Mic 5:6


Nu 24:22,24; Ezr 4:2; Ps 83:8; Eze 27:23; 32:22; Ho 14:3


2Ki 19:36; Isa 37:37; Jon 1:2; 3:1-10; Na 1:1; 2:8; 3:7; Zep 2:13

the city of. or, the streets of the city.

Genesis 11:9

Babel. that is, Confusion.The tower of Babel, Herodotus informs us, was a furlong or 660 feet, in length and breadth; and, according to Strabo, it rose to the same altitude. It was of a pyramidical form, consisting of eight square towers, gradually decreasing in breadth, with a winding ascent on the outside, so very broad as to allow horses and carriages to pass each other, and even to turn. This magnificent structure is so completely destroyed that its very site is doubtful; and when supposed to be discovered, in all cases exhibiting a heap of rubbish.

10:5,10,20,31; Isa 13:1-14:32; Jer 50:1-51:64; 1Co 14:23

the face.

10:25,32; Ac 17:26

2 Kings 17:24

A.M. 3326. B.C. 678. the king.

Ezr 4:2-10


30; 2Ch 33:11


31; 18:31; Isa 37:13

Ivah. Hamath.

19:13; Isa 10:9; 36:19

in the cities thereof.

6; Mt 10:5

2 Kings 20:12

A.M. 3292. B.C. 712. Berodach-baladan.

Isa 39:1-8

Merodach-baladan. king.

2Ch 32:31


Ge 10:10; 11:9; Isa 13:1,19; 14:4

sent letters.

2Sa 8:10; 10:2

for he had heard.

Isa 39:1

2 Chronicles 33:11

A.M. 3327. B.C. 677. the Lord.

De 28:36; Job 36:8

the captains.

Isa 10:8; 36:9

of the king. Heb. which were the king's.

Ne 9:32,37; Isa 5:26-30; 7:18-20

among the thorns.The word {bachochim} may possibly her signify with fetters or chains, as the kindred word {chachim} denotes, Eze 19:4, 9. The Syriac and Arabic have alive, probably reading {bechayim}.

1Sa 13:6; La 3:7

bound him.

2Ki 23:33; 25:6; Job 36:8-11; Ps 107:10-14

fetters. or, chains.

Ezra 4:9-10

companions. Chal. societies. the Dinaites.

2Ki 17:24,30,31


5:6; 6:6

Apharsachites. Susanchites.

Es 1:2; 2:3; Da 8:2


Ge 10:22; Isa 21:2; Jer 25:25; 49:34; Eze 32:24; Ac 2:9

And the rest.

1; 2Ki 17:24-41

noble Asnappar.

Ro 13:7

at such a time. Chal. Cheeneth.

11,17; 7:12
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