Genesis 23:16


43:21; Ezr 8:25-30; Job 28:15; Jer 32:9; Zec 11:12; Mt 7:12; Ro 13:8

Php 4:8; 1Th 4:6


15; Ex 30:13; Eze 45:12

Leviticus 19:36

Just balances.

Pr 11:1

weights. Heb. stones. I am. See on

Ex 20:2

Ezekiel 45:9-14

Let it.

44:6; 1Pe 4:3


Ne 5:10; Ps 82:2-5; Isa 1:17; Jer 22:3; Zec 8:16; Lu 3:14



take away.

Ne 5:1-13; 1Co 6:7,8

exactions. Heb. expulsions.

Job 20:19; 22:9; 24:2-12; Mic 2:1,2,9

Le 19:35,36; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10; 21:3; Am 8:4-6; Mic 6:10,11

ephah.The {ephah} was a dry measure, and the {bath} a liquid measure, containing about seven gallons, four pints, or three pecks, three pints; and the {homer} about seventy-five gallons, five pints.

Isa 5:10

the shekel.

Ex 30:13; Le 27:25; Nu 3:47

twenty shekels.That is, 20 + 25 + 15 = 60; for the {maneh} as a weight was equal to sixty shekels, though as a coin it was only equal to fifty, weighing about 2 lb. 6 oz.; and reckoning the shekel at 2s. 6d. being in value 6£. 5s.


the tenth.

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