Genesis 24:1

1 Abraham swears his servant.

10 The servant's journey.

12 His prayer.

14 His sign.

15 Rebekah meets him;

18 fulfils his sign;

22 receives jewels;

23 shows her kindred;

25 and invites him home.

26 The servant blesses God.

29 Laban entertains him.

34 The servant shows his message.

50 Laban and Bethuel approve it.

58 Rebekah consents to go, and departs.

62 Isaac meets and marries her.

was old.

18:11; 21:5; 25:20; 1Ki 1:1; Lu 1:7

well stricken in age. Heb. gone into days. blessed.


12:2; 13:2; 49:25; Ps 112:1-3; Pr 10:22; Isa 51:2; Mt 6:33; Ga 3:9

Eph 1:3; 1Ti 4:8
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