Genesis 25:28

he did eat of his venison. Heb. venison was in his mouth.




Genesis 27:4

that I may eat.The blessing, says Dr. A. Clarke, which Isaac was to confer on his son, was a species of divine right, and must be communicated with appropriate ceremonies. As eating and drinking were used among the Asiatics on almost all religious occasions, and especially in making and confirming covenants, it is reasonable to suppose, that something of this kind was essentially necessary on this occasion; and that Isaac could not convey the right, till he had eaten of the meat provided for the purpose by him who was to receive the blessing.

that my.

7,23,25,27; 14:19; 24:60; 28:3; 48:9,15-20; 49:28; Le 9:22,23

De 33:1-29; Jos 14:13; 22:6; Lu 2:34; 24:51; Heb 11:20

Genesis 27:7

before the.

De 33:1; Jos 6:26; 1Sa 24:19

Genesis 27:9


Jud 13:15; 1Sa 16:20

savoury.{Matammim,} from {taam,} to taste or relish: how dressed is uncertain, but its name declares it nature.


Genesis 27:17


Genesis 27:31



Psalms 141:4

Incline not.

119:36; De 2:30; 29:4; 1Ki 8:58; 22:22; Isa 63:17; Mt 6:13; Jas 1:13

to practise.

1Co 15:33; 2Co 6:17; Re 18:4

and let me.

Nu 25:2; Pr 23:1-3,6-8; Da 1:5-8; Ac 10:13,14; 1Co 10:27,28,31

Proverbs 23:2-3

Mt 18:8,9; 1Co 9:27; Php 3:19

6; Ps 141:4; Da 1:8; Lu 21:34; Eph 4:22

Luke 21:34


8; 17:3; Mr 13:9; Heb 12:15

your hearts.

12:45; Le 10:9; Pr 21:4; Isa 28:7; 56:10-12; Ho 4:11; Ro 13:11-13

1Th 5:6-8; 1Pe 4:3-7


De 29:19; 1Sa 25:36; Isa 28:1-3; 1Co 5:11; 6:10; Ga 5:20


8:14; 10:41; Mt 13:22; Mr 4:19; Php 4:6

that day.

12:46; Ps 35:8; Mt 24:39-50; Mr 13:35-37; 1Th 5:2-4; 2Pe 3:10,14

Re 3:3
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