Genesis 28:12-22

he dreamed.

15:1,12; 20:3,6,7; 37:5-11; 40:1-41:57; Nu 12:6; Job 4:12-21

Job 33:15,16; Da 2:1-49; 4:1-37; 7:1; Mt 1:20; 2:12,13,19; Heb 1:1


32:1,2; 2Ch 16:9; Isa 41:10; Joh 1:51; 2Ti 4:16,17; Heb 1:14

the Lord stood.

35:1,6,7; 48:3

I am.

15:1; 17:6,7; 26:24; 31:42; 32:9; 46:3; Ex 3:6,15,16; Mt 22:32

Heb 11:16

the land.

4; 12:7; 13:15; 35:12,15,17; Ps 105:11; Eze 37:24,25; Ac 7:5

thy seed.

13:16; 32:12; 35:11,12; Nu 23:10; Ac 3:25; Re 7:4,9

spread abroad. Heb. break forth. to the west.

13:14; De 12:20; Mt 8:11

and in thee.

12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; Ps 72:17; Ac 3:25; Ga 3:8,16; Eph 1:3

I am.

20,21; 26:24; 31:3; 32:9; 39:2,21; 46:4; Ex 3:12; Jud 6:16; Ps 46:7,11

Isa 7:14; 8:10; 41:10; 43:2; Jer 1:19; Mt 18:20; 28:20; Ro 8:31,32

1Ti 4:8


48:16; Ps 121:5-8



for I.

De 31:6; Jos 1:5; 1Ki 8:57; Joh 10:28,29; Heb 13:5,6; Jude 1:1


Nu 23:19; Jos 23:14-16; Mt 24:35

and I.

Ex 3:5; 15:11; Jos 5:15; 1Sa 3:4-7; Job 9:11; 33:14; Ps 68:35

Isa 8:13

he was.

Ex 3:6; Jud 13:22; Mt 17:6; Lu 2:9; 8:35; Re 1:17

the house.

22; 35:1-13; 2Ch 5:14; Ec 5:1; 1Ti 3:15; Heb 10:21; 1Pe 4:17

rose up.

22:3; Ps 119:60; Ec 9:10

and took.The practice of setting up stones as a memorial by travellers still exists in Persia, and other parts of the East.

set it.

31:13,45; 35:14,20; Jos 24:26,27; 1Sa 7:12; 2Sa 18:18; Isa 19:19


Le 8:10-12; Nu 7:1

the name.

12:8; 35:1; 48:3; Jud 1:22-26; 1Ki 12:29; Ho 4:15; 12:4,5

Beth-el. i.e., the house of God.


31:13; Le 27:1-34; Nu 6:1-20; 21:2,3; Jud 11:30,31; 1Sa 1:11,28

1Sa 14:24; 2Sa 15:8; Ne 9:1-10:39; Ps 22:25; 56:12; 61:5,8; 66:13

Ps 76:11; 116:14,18; 119:106; 132:2; Ec 5:1-7; Isa 19:21; Joh 1:16

Ac 18:18; 23:12-15

If God.


will give.

1Ti 6:8

I come.

Jud 11:31; 2Sa 19:24,30


Ex 15:2; De 26:17; 2Sa 15:8; 2Ki 5:17


17; 12:8; 21:33; 33:20; 35:1,15

I will.

14:20; Le 27:30-33; De 14:22,23

Genesis 35:7


1,3; Ec 5:4,5

El-beth-el. i.e., the god of Beth-el.

28:13,19,22; Ex 17:15; Jud 6:24; Eze 48:35
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