Genesis 28:15

I am.

20,21; 26:24; 31:3; 32:9; 39:2,21; 46:4; Ex 3:12; Jud 6:16; Ps 46:7,11

Isa 7:14; 8:10; 41:10; 43:2; Jer 1:19; Mt 18:20; 28:20; Ro 8:31,32

1Ti 4:8


48:16; Ps 121:5-8



for I.

De 31:6; Jos 1:5; 1Ki 8:57; Joh 10:28,29; Heb 13:5,6; Jude 1:1


Nu 23:19; Jos 23:14-16; Mt 24:35

Genesis 28:20-22


31:13; Le 27:1-34; Nu 6:1-20; 21:2,3; Jud 11:30,31; 1Sa 1:11,28

1Sa 14:24; 2Sa 15:8; Ne 9:1-10:39; Ps 22:25; 56:12; 61:5,8; 66:13

Ps 76:11; 116:14,18; 119:106; 132:2; Ec 5:1-7; Isa 19:21; Joh 1:16

Ac 18:18; 23:12-15

If God.


will give.

1Ti 6:8

I come.

Jud 11:31; 2Sa 19:24,30


Ex 15:2; De 26:17; 2Sa 15:8; 2Ki 5:17


17; 12:8; 21:33; 33:20; 35:1,15

I will.

14:20; Le 27:30-33; De 14:22,23

Genesis 29:1-15

1 Jacob comes to the well of Haran.

9 He becomes acquainted with Rachel.

13 Laban entertains him.

18 Jacob covenants for Rachel.

23 He is deceived by Laban with Leah.

28 He marries also Rachel, and serves for her seven years more.

32 Leah bears Reuben;

33 Simeon;

34 Levi;

35 and Judah.


Ps 119:32,60; Ec 9:7

went on his journey. Heb. lifted up his feet. came.

22:20-23; 24:10; 25:20; 28:5-7; Nu 23:7; Jud 6:3,33; 7:12; 8:10

1Ki 4:30; Ho 12:12

people. Heb. children. east.The district of Mesopotamia, and the whole country beyond the Euphrates, are called Kedem, or the East, in the Sacred Writings.

a well.

24:11,13; Ex 2:15,16; Joh 4:6,14


Ps 23:2; So 1:6,7; Isa 49:10; Re 7:17

a great stone.In Arabia, and other places in the East, they cover up their wells of water, lest the sand, which is put in motion by the winds, should fill and quite stop them up. So great was their care not to leave the well open any length of time, that they waited till the flocks were all gathered together before they began to draw water; and when they had finished, the well was immediately closed again.

the flocks.Instead of {haadarim,} "the flocks," the Samaritan reads {haroin,} "the shepherds," as does also the Arabic in Walton's Polyglott. This verse describes what was usually done by some mutual compact among the shepherds, and shows the purpose for which the flocks lay by the well; for the stone was not removed till all the flocks had been collected. Scott.


Of Haran.

11:31; 24:10; 27:43; 28:10; Ac 7:2,4


son of.

24:24,29; 31:53

Is he well? Heb. there peace to him?

37:14; 43:27; Ex 18:7; 1Sa 17:22; 25:5; 2Sa 20:9


Ga 6:9,10; Eph 5:16

it is yet high day. Heb. yet the day is great.


3; 34:14; 43:32


Mr 16:3; Lu 24:2


24:15; Ex 2:15,16,21; So 1:7,8

for she kept them.In those primitive times, a pastoral life was not only considered useful but honourable: nor was it beneath the dignity of the daughters of the most opulent chiefs to carry water from the well, or tend the sheep. Jacob, Moses, and David were shepherds.


Ex 2:17


13; 27:26; 33:4; 43:30; 45:2,14,15; Ex 4:27; 18:7; Ro 16:16

and wept.

33:4; 43:30; 45:2,14,15


13:8; 14:14-16

and she.


tidings. Heb. hearing. he ran.



45:15; Ex 4:27; 18:7; 2Sa 19:39; Lu 7:45; Ac 20:37; Ro 16:16

all these.

Col 4:5

art my.

12,15; 2:23; 13:8; Jud 9:2; 2Sa 5:1; 19:12,13; Mic 7:5; Eph 5:30

the space of a month. Heb. a month of days.

tell me.

30:28; 31:7

Genesis 32:9


1Sa 30:6; 2Ch 20:6,12; 32:20; Ps 34:4-6; 50:15; 91:15; Php 4:6,7

O God.

17:7; 28:13; 31:29,42,53; Ex 3:6

the Lord.


Genesis 35:1

1 God commands Jacob to go to Bethel.

2 He purges his house of idols.

6 He builds an altar at Bethel.

8 Deborah dies at Allon-bachuth.

9 God blesses Jacob at Bethel.

16 Rachel travails of Benjamin, and dies in the way to Edar.

22 Reuben lies with Bilhah.

23 The sons of Jacob.

27 Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron.

28 The age, death, and burial of Isaac.

God said.

22:14; De 32:36; Ps 46:1; 91:15


7; 12:8; 13:3,4; 28:10-22; 31:3,13; Ps 47:4; Ec 5:4-6; Ho 12:4

Na 1:15

when thou.

16:8; 27:41-45; Ex 2:15

Genesis 46:2-3

in the visions.

15:1,13; 22:11; Nu 12:6; 24:4; 2Ch 26:5; Job 4:13; 33:14,15; Da 2:19

Ac 9:10; 10:3; 16:9


22:1; Ex 3:3,4; 1Sa 3:4,10; Ac 9:4; 10:13

the God.


fear not.

15:1,13; 26:2,3; Isa 41:10; 43:1,2; Jer 40:9; Ac 27:24

I will.

12:2; 13:15,16; 18:18; 22:17; 28:14; 35:11; 47:27; Ex 1:7-10; De 1:10

De 10:22; 26:5; Ac 7:17

Genesis 50:24

I die.

5; 3:19; Job 30:23; Ec 12:5,7; Ro 5:12; Heb 9:27

visit you.

21:1; Ex 4:31

you out.

15:14-16; 26:3; 35:12; 46:4; 48:21; Ex 3:16,17


12:7; 13:15,17; 15:7,18; 17:8; 26:3; 28:13; 35:12; 46:4; Ex 33:1

Nu 32:11; De 1:8; 6:10

Psalms 46:1

1 The confidence which the church has in God.

8 An exhortation to behold it.

A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.) for. or, of. the sons.

84:1; 85:1; 87:1; *titles

A song.

48:1; 66:1; *titles


1Ch 15:20


7,11; 62:7,8; 91:1-9; 142:5; Pr 14:26; 18:10; Lu 13:34; Heb 6:18

a very.

145:18; Ge 22:14; De 4:7; 2Sa 22:17-20

Psalms 50:15


77:2; 91:15; 107:6-13,19,28; 2Ch 33:12,13; Job 22:27; Zec 13:9

Lu 22:44; Ac 16:25; Jas 5:13


34:3,4; 66:13-20; Lu 17:15-18


23; 22:23; Mt 5:16; Joh 15:8; 1Pe 4:11,14

Psalms 90:15


30:5; 126:5,6; Isa 12:1; 40:1,2; 61:3; 65:18,19; Jer 31:12,13

Mt 5:4; Joh 16:20; Re 7:14-17

the years.

De 2:14-16
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