Genesis 29:18



I will serve.In ancient times, it was a custom among many nations to give dowries for their wives; but Jacob, being poor, offered for Rachel seven year's service.

31:41; 34:12; Ex 22:16,17; 2Sa 3:14; Ho 3:2; 12:12

Genesis 29:20

A.M. 2251. B.C. 1753. served.

30:26; Ho 12:12

for the love.

24:67; So 8:6,7; 1Co 13:7; 2Co 5:14; Eph 5:2

Genesis 29:30-31

he loved.

20,31; 44:20,27; De 21:15; Mt 6:24; 10:37; Lu 14:26; Joh 12:25


18; 30:25,26; 31:15,41; 1Sa 18:17-27; Ho 12:12


Ex 3:7

was hated.

30; 27:41; De 21:15; Mal 1:3; Mt 6:24; 10:37; Lu 14:26; Joh 12:25

he opened.

16:1; 20:18; 21:1,2; 25:21; 30:1,2,22; Jud 13:2,3; 1Sa 1:5,20,27

1Sa 2:21; Ps 127:3; Lu 1:7

Genesis 29:33

A.M. 2253. B.C. 1751. Because.



34:25,30; 35:23; 42:24; 49:5,6

Simeon. that is, Hearing.

1 Samuel 1:4-5


Le 3:4; 7:15; De 12:5-7,17; 16:11

a worthy portion. or, a double portion.The Hebrew phrase, {manah achath appayim,} is correctly rendered by Gesenius, {ein Stud fur zwei personen, doppelle Portion,} "a portion for two persons, a double portion;" for {aph} in Hebrew, and [prosopon] in Greek, which literally mean a face, are used for a person.

Ge 43:34; 45:22

he loved.

Ge 29:30,31; De 21:15

shut up.

Ge 20:18; 30:2
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