Genesis 3:17-19


1Sa 15:23,24; Mt 22:12; 25:26,27,45; Lu 19:22; Ro 3:19

and hast.

6,11; 2:16,17; Jer 7:23,24


5:29; Ps 127:2; Ec 1:2,3,13,14; 2:11,17; Isa 24:5,6; Ro 8:20-22

in sorrow.

Job 5:6,7; 14:1; 21:17; Ps 90:7-9; Ec 2:22,23; 5:17; Joh 16:33


Jos 23:13; Job 5:5; 31:40; Pr 22:5; 24:31; Isa 5:6; 7:23; 32:13

Jer 4:3; 12:13; Mt 13:7; Heb 6:8

bring forth. Heb. cause to bud. herb.

Job 1:21; Ps 90:3; 104:2,14,15; Ro 14:2


Ec 1:3,13; Eph 4:28; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:10


Job 1:21; Ps 90:3; 104:29; Ec 5:15

for dust.

2:7; 18:27


23:4; Job 17:13-16; 19:26; 21:26; 34:15; Ps 22:15,29; 104:29

Pr 21:16; Ec 3:20; 12:7; Da 12:2; Ro 5:12-21; 1Co 15:21,22

Job 14:1-4

1 Job entreats God for favour, by the shortness of life, and certainty of death.

7 He waits for his change.

16 By sin the creature is subject to corruption.


15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Mt 11:11

of few days. Heb. short of days.

7:1,6; 9:25; Ge 47:9; Ps 39:5


5:7; Ec 2:17,23


Ps 90:5-9; 92:7,12; 103:15,16; Isa 40:6-8; Jas 1:10,11; 4:14

1Pe 1:24


8:9; 9:25,26; 1Ch 29:15; Ps 102:11; 144:4; Ec 8:13

And dost.

7:17,18; 13:25; Ps 144:3


9:19,20,32; 13:27; Ps 143:2; Ro 3:19

Who can bring. Heb. Who will give.

15:14; 25:4-6; Ge 5:3; Ps 51:5; 90:5; Joh 3:6; Ro 5:12; 8:8,9

Eph 2:3

a clean.

Lu 1:35

Job 15:16

How much.Rather, "How much less {aph kee,} abominable and filthy man," who, under the influence of sinful propensities, commits sin as greedily as a thirsty man or camel drinks down water.


4:19; 42:6; Ps 14:1-3; 53:3; Ro 1:28-30; 3:9-19; Tit 3:3


20:12; 34:7; Pr 19:28

Psalms 49:14


44:11; Jer 12:3; Ro 8:36


Job 17:13,14; 21:13,26; 30:23; Ec 12:7; Isa 38:10,11


Job 24:19,20


47:3; Da 7:22; Mal 4:3; Lu 22:30; 1Co 6:2; Re 2:26,27; 20:4,5


30:5; Ho 6:3


39:11; Job 4:21

beauty. or, strength. in the grave, etc. or, the gravebeing an habitation to every one of them.

Job 30:23

Psalms 49:19-20

He. Heb. The soul.

Ec 3:21; 12:7; Lu 12:20; 16:22,23

to the generation.

Ge 15:15; 1Ki 16:6


56:13; Job 33:30; Mt 8:12; 22:13; Jude 1:13


12; Es 5:11-14; 7:10


Job 4:21

is like.

73:18,19; Ec 3:18,19

Psalms 73:18-19


35:6; De 32:35; Jer 23:12

thou castedst.

37:20,24,35-38; 55:23; 92:7; 94:23; 2Th 1:9


58:9; Job 20:5; Isa 30:13; Ac 2:23; 1Th 5:3; Re 18:10

they are.

Nu 17:12,13; 1Sa 28:20; Job 15:21; 20:23-25; Pr 28:1; Isa 21:3,4

Da 5:6

Psalms 90:5-12


Job 9:26; 22:16; 27:20,21; Isa 8:7,8; Jer 46:7,8

as a sleep.

73:20; Isa 29:7,8


103:15,16; Isa 40:6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24

groweth up. or, is changed.

92:7; Job 14:2; Mt 6:30

For we.

9,11; 39:11; 59:13; Nu 17:12,13; De 2:14-16; Heb 3:10,11,17-19

Heb 4:1,2

are we.

Ex 14:24; Ro 2:8,9


10:11; 50:21; 139:1-4; Job 34:21; Jer 9:13-16; 16:17; 23:24

Eze 8:12; Re 20:12


19:12; Pr 5:21; Ec 12:14; Lu 12:1,2; Ro 2:16; 1Co 4:5; Heb 4:12,13

1Jo 3:20

in the.




passed. Heb. turned. we spend.The Vulgate has, {Anni nostri sicut aranea mediatabuntur,} "Our years pass away like those of the spider." Our plans and operations are like the spider's web. Life is as frail, and the thread of it as brittle, as one of those which constitute the well-wrought and curious, but fragile habitation of that insect. All the Versions have the word spider, but it is not found in any Hebrew MSS., or edition yet collated. The Hebrew might be rendered, "We consume our lives with a groan," {kemo hegeh.}

a tale. Heb. a meditation.

4; 39:5

The days, etc. Heb. As for the days of our years, in themare seventy years.

Ge 47:9; De 34:7


2Sa 19:35; 1Ki 1:1; Ec 12:2-7


78:39; Job 14:10; *marg:

Job 24:24; Isa 38:12; Lu 12:20; Jas 4:14

Le 26:18,21,24,28; De 28:59; 29:20-29; Isa 33:14; Na 1:6; Lu 12:5

2Co 5:11; Re 6:17


39:4; De 32:29; Ec 9:10; Lu 12:35-40; Joh 9:4; Eph 5:16,17


Job 28:28; Pr 2:2-6; 3:13-18; 4:5,7; 7:1-4; 8:32-36; 16:16; 18:1,2

Pr 22:17; 23:12,23

apply our hearts. Heb. cause our hearts to come.
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