Genesis 30:15

Nu 16:9,10,13; Isa 7:13; Eze 16:47; 1Co 4:3

Numbers 16:9

Seemeth it but.

13; Ge 30:15; 1Sa 18:23; 2Sa 7:19; Isa 7:13; Eze 34:18; 1Co 4:3


1:53; 3:41-45; 8:14-16; 18:2-6; De 10:8; 2Ch 35:3; Ne 12:44

Eze 44:10,11; Ac 13:2

Isaiah 7:13

O house.

2; 2Ch 21:7; Jer 21:12; Lu 1:69

Is it a small.

Ge 30:15; Nu 16:9,13; Eze 16:20,47; 34:18

to weary.

2Ch 36:15,16; Jer 6:11

will ye.

1:24; 43:24; 63:10; 65:3-5; Am 3:13; Mal 2:17; Ac 7:51; Heb 3:10

Ezekiel 8:17

Is it a light, etc. or, Is there any thing lighter than tocommit, etc. for.

7:23; 9:9; 11:6; Ge 6:13; 2Ki 21:16; 24:4; Jer 6:7; 19:4; 20:8

Am 3:10; 6:3; Mic 2:2; 6:12; Zep 1:9

they put.So the Vulgate has, {applicant ramum ad nares suas,} "they apply the branch to their nose;" which Jerome explains by "a branch of the palm tree with which they adored the idols;" and it seems plainly to allude to the Magian fire-worshippers, who, Strabo tells us, held a little bunch of twigs in their hand, when praying before the fire.

Ezekiel 16:20

thy sons.

21; 23:4; Ge 17:7; Ex 13:2,12; De 29:11,12

and these.

20:26,31; 23:37,39; 2Ki 16:3; 2Ch 33:6; Ps 106:37,38; Isa 57:5

Jer 7:31; 32:35; Mic 6:7

be devoured. Heb. devour. Is this.

8:17; Jer 2:34,35

Ezekiel 16:47

as if that were a very little thing. or, that was loathed asa small thing.

8:17; 1Ki 16:31

thou wast.

48,51; 5:6,7; 2Ki 21:9,16; Joh 15:21,22; 1Co 5:1

Ezekiel 34:18

a small.

16:20,47; Ge 30:15; Nu 16:9,13; 2Sa 7:19; Isa 7:13

to have.

2,3; Mic 2:2


32:2; Mt 15:6-9; 23:13; Lu 11:52
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