Genesis 30:35

he removed.From this it appears, that, as Jacob had agreed to take all the parti-coloured for his wages, and was now only beginning to act upon this agreement, and consequently had as yet no right to any of the cattle, therefore Laban separated from the flock all such cattle as Jacob might afterwards claim in consequence of his bargain, leaving only the black and white with Jacob.

the hand.


Genesis 31:8


Genesis 31:10

a dream.

24; 20:6; 28:12; Nu 12:6; De 13:1; 1Ki 3:5

rams. or, he-goats. ringstraked.


grisled.The original word, {beroodim,} from {barad,} "hail" means marked with white spots like hail; to which our word grisled, from the old french {gresle,} now {grele,} hail, perfectly agrees; hence {gresle,} spotted with white on a dark ground.
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