Genesis 30:35-43

he removed.From this it appears, that, as Jacob had agreed to take all the parti-coloured for his wages, and was now only beginning to act upon this agreement, and consequently had as yet no right to any of the cattle, therefore Laban separated from the flock all such cattle as Jacob might afterwards claim in consequence of his bargain, leaving only the black and white with Jacob.

the hand.





green poplar.{Livneh} is the white poplar, so called from the whiteness of its leaves, bark, and wood, from {lavan} to be white.

hasel.Jerome, Hiller, Celsius, Dr. Shaw, Bochart, and other learned men, say, that {luz} is not the "hazel" but the almond-tree, as the word denotes both in Arabic and Syriac.

chestnut tree.The Heb. word {armon,} signifies "the plane-tree," so called from the bark naturally peeling off, and leaving the trunk naked, as its root {aram,} signifies.

Eze 31:8


brought forth.

31:9-12,38,40,42; Ex 12:35,36


whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive.As the means which Jacob used would not in general produce similar effects, nay, probably the experiment was never in any other instance tried with effect, it is more in harmony with Divine truth to suppose that he was directed by some Divine intimation; and rendered successful, if not by a direct miracle, yet at least by the Lord's giving a new and uncommon bias to the tendency of natural causes.



30; 13:2; 24:35; 26:13,14; 28:15; 31:7,8,42; 32:10; 33:11; 36:7; Ec 2:7

Eze 39:10The Lord will, in one way or other, honour those who simply trust his providence.

Genesis 31:1

1 Jacob, displeased with the envy of Laban and his sons, departs secretly.

19 Rachel steals her father's images.

22 Laban pursues after him, and complains of the wrong.

34 Rachel's stratagem to hide the images.

36 Jacob's complaint of Laban.

43 The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed.


8,9; Job 31:31; Ps 57:4; 64:3,4; 120:3-5; Pr 14:30; 27:4; Ec 4:4

Eze 16:44; Tit 3:3

glory."Glory" is here used for "wealth," riches, or property; since those who possess riches, generally make them the subject of glory. The original word cavod, signifies both "glory" and "weight."

45:13; Es 5:11; Job 31:24,25; Ps 17:14; 49:16,17; Ec 4:4; Isa 5:14

Jer 9:23; Mt 4:8; 1Ti 6:4; 1Pe 1:24

Genesis 31:9

1,16; Es 8:1,2; Ps 50:10; Pr 13:22; Mt 20:15
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