Genesis 30:4

to wife.

16:3; 21:10; 22:24; 25:1,6; 33:2; 35:22; 2Sa 12:11

Genesis 30:9

A.M. 2256. B.C. 1748. left.

17; 29:35

gave her.

4; 16:3

Genesis 35:22

lay with.

49:4; Le 18:8; 2Sa 16:21,22; 20:3; 1Ch 5:1; 1Co 5:1

Now the sons.In the Hebrew text, a break is here left in the verse, opposite to which there is a Masoretic note, which states that "there is a hiatus in the verse." This hiatus the LXX., thus supplies: [kai poneros ephane enantion autou ,] "and it appeared evil in his sight."

18; 29:31-35; 30:5-24; 46:8-27; 49:1-28; Ex 1:1-5; 6:14-16; Nu 1:5-15

Nu 1:20-46; 2:3-33; 7:12-89; 26:5-51,57-62; 34:14-28; De 33:1-29

Jos 13:1-21:45; 1Ch 2:1,2; 12:23-40; 27:16-22; Eze 48:1-35; Ac 7:8

Re 7:4-8; 21:14

Genesis 35:25-26

30:4-8; 37:2; 46:23-25

And the sons.

30:9-13; 46:16-18

in Padan-aram. Except Benjamin.

18; 25:20; 28:2; 31:18
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