Genesis 31:23

13:8; 24:27; Ex 2:11,13

Genesis 31:32

whomsoever.This was rash, and might have produced fatal effects; but Jacob was partial to Rachel, and did not suspect her; and he was indignant at being accused of a crime which he deeply abhorred. Scott.

19,30; 44:9-12


23; 13:8; 19:7; 30:33; 1Sa 12:3-5; 2Co 8:20,21; 12:17-19

For Jacob.

1Sa 14:24-29

Genesis 31:37

set it here.

32; Jos 7:23; 1Sa 12:3,4; Mt 18:16; 1Co 6:4,5; 1Th 2:10; Heb 13:18

1Pe 2:12; 3:16

Genesis 31:54

offered sacrifice. or, killed beasts. did eat.

21:8; 26:30; 37:25; Ex 18:12; 2Sa 3:20,21
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