Genesis 31:44-52

let us.

15:18; 21:22-32; 26:28-31; 1Sa 20:14-17

a witness.

48,52; 21:30; De 31:19,21,26; Jos 22:27; 24:25-27God can put a bridle into the mouth of wicked man to restrain their malice; and then, though they have no love for his people, they will pretend to it, and try to make a merit of necessity. Scott.





Jos 4:5-9,20-24; 7:26; 2Sa 18:17; Ec 3:5

an heap.The word {gal,} rendered "heap," properly signifies a round heap or circle; probably like the Druidical remains in this country, which have been traced in India, Persia, Western Asia, Greece, and Northern Europe. These usually consist of irregular circles of large stones, with a principal one in the midst; the former probably being used for seats, and the latter for an altar; corresponding to the stone set up as a pillar by Jacob, and the heap of stones collected by his brethren. They appear to have been used, as Gilgal undoubtedly was, (Jos 4:5; Jud 2:1; 3:19; ch. 20. 1 Sa 7:16; 10:8, 17; 11:15; 13:7; 15:33. 2 Sa 19:15, 40. 2 Ki 2:1.) as temples, and as places for holding councils, and assembling the people. For a satisfactory elucidation of this subject, consult the Fragments to Calmet, Nos. 156, 735, 736.

Jegar-sahadutha. i.e., the heap of witness. Chald. Galeed.i.e., the heap of witness. Heb.

Heb 12:1

This heap.

Jos 24:27

Galeed. or, Gilead.

23; De 2:36; 3:16; Jos 13:8,9

Mizpah. i.e., a beacon, or watch-tower.

Jud 10:17; 11:11,29


1Sa 7:5; 1Ki 15:22; Ho 5:1


Le 18:18; Mt 19:5,6


Jud 11:10; 1Sa 12:5; Jer 29:23; 42:5; Mic 1:2; Mal 2:14; 3:5; 1Th 2:5

I have cast.For {yarithi,} "I have set up," we may read yaritha, "Thou hast set up," with one Heb. and one Sam. MS: see ver. 45.



Deuteronomy 4:26

I call heaven.A most solemn method of adjuration, in use among all the nations in the world; God and man being called upon to bear testimony to the truth of what was spoken, that if there was any flaw or insincerity it might be detected, and if any crime, it might not go unpunished. Such appeals to God shew at once the origin and use of oaths.

30:18,19; 31:28; 32:1; Isa 1:2; Jer 2:12; 6:19; 22:29; Eze 36:4

Mic 1:2; 6:2

ye shall.

29:28; Le 18:28; 26:31-35; Jos 23:16; Isa 6:11; 24:1-3; Jer 44:22

Eze 33:28; Lu 21:24

Deuteronomy 30:19

I call heaven.

4:26; 31:28; 32:1; Isa 1:2; Jer 2:12,13; 22:29,30; Mic 6:1,2

1Ti 5:21

that I have.

15; 11:26

choose life.

Jos 24:15-22; Ps 119:30,111,173; Pr 1:29; 8:36; Isa 56:4; Lu 10:42

that both thou.

Jer 32:39; Ac 2:39

Deuteronomy 31:19

this song.

22,30; 32:1-43,44,45

and teach it.

4:9,10; 6:7; 11:19

put it in their.

Ex 4:15; 2Sa 14:3; Isa 51:16; 59:21; Jer 1:9

a witness.

21,26; Eze 2:5; Mt 10:18; Joh 12:48

Deuteronomy 31:21

this song.A sacred song, appointed to be composed by Moses, doubtless under divine inspiration; which the people were required to learn, and teach to their children from generation to generation.


against. Heb. before. I know.

Ge 6:5; 8:21; Ps 139:2; Isa 46:10; Eze 38:10,11; Ho 5:3; 13:5,6

Am 5:25,26; Joh 2:24,25; Ac 2:23; 4:28

go about. Heb. do.

Deuteronomy 31:26

in the side.

1Ki 8:9; 2Ki 22:8-11; 2Ch 34:14,15

a witness.

19; 2Ki 22:8,13-19; Ro 3:19,20; Ga 2:19

Joshua 22:27-28

a witness.

10,34; 24:27; Ge 31:48,52; 1Sa 7:12

that we.

De 12:5,6,11,17,18,26,27


Ex 25:40; 2Ki 16:10; Eze 43:10,11; Heb 8:5

Joshua 22:34

Ed. i.e, a witness.The word witness, or testimony, is not found in the common editions of the Hebrew Bible; and is supplied in Italics by our venerable translators, at least in our modern copies; for in the first edition of this translation, it stands in the text without any note of this kind; but it is found in several of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., and also in the Syriac and Arabic. Several also of the early printed editions of the Hebrew Bible have the word {ed,} either in the text or in the margin; and it must be allowed to be necessary to complete the sense. It is very probable that an inscription was put on this altar, signifying the purpose for which it was erected. Thus was this affair most happily terminated. 27; 24:27; 1Ki 18:39; Isa 43:10; Mt 4:10 the Lord is God.Several manuscripts read more emphatically, [yehôvâh ,] [hûw' ] [elôhîym definition 0430|>,] {Yehowah, hoo Elohim,} "Jehovah he is God."

1 Samuel 7:12

took a stone.

Ge 28:18,19; 31:45-52; 35:14; Jos 4:9,20-24; 24:26,27; Isa 19:19

Ebenezer. that is, The stone of help.

4:1; 5:1; Ge 22:14; Ex 17:15


Ps 71:6,17; Isa 46:3,4; Ac 26:22; 2Co 1:10
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