Genesis 31:9-12

1,16; Es 8:1,2; Ps 50:10; Pr 13:22; Mt 20:15

a dream.

24; 20:6; 28:12; Nu 12:6; De 13:1; 1Ki 3:5

rams. or, he-goats. ringstraked.


grisled.The original word, {beroodim,} from {barad,} "hail" means marked with white spots like hail; to which our word grisled, from the old french {gresle,} now {grele,} hail, perfectly agrees; hence {gresle,} spotted with white on a dark ground.

the angel.

5,13; 16:7-13; 18:1,17; 48:15,16

Here am I.

22:1; Ex 3:4; 1Sa 3:4,6,8,16; Isa 58:9

Lift up.


I have seen.

42; Ex 3:7,9; Le 19:13; De 24:15; Ps 12:5; 139:3; Ec 5:8; Ac 7:34

Eph 6:9

Genesis 31:38




30:27,30; Ex 23:26; De 28:4

the rams.

Eze 34:2-4

Genesis 31:40

Ex 2:19-22; 3:1; Ps 78:70,71; Ho 12:12; Lu 2:8; Joh 21:15-17

Heb 13:7; 1Pe 5:2-4

Genesis 31:42


24,29; Ps 124:1-3


53; 27:33; Ps 76:11,12; 124:1; Isa 8:13

hath seen.

12; 11:5; 16:11,13; 29:32; Ex 3:7; 1Ch 12:17; Ps 31:7; Jude 1:9

Exodus 12:35-36

3:21,22; 11:2,3; Ge 15:14; Ps 105:37

the Lord.

3:21; 11:3; Ge 39:21; Pr 16:7; Da 1:9; Ac 2:47; 7:10

they spoiled.

3:22; Ge 15:14; Ps 105:37
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