Genesis 32:27


Deuteronomy 29:29


Job 11:6,7; 28:28; Ps 25:14; Pr 3:32; Jer 23:18; Da 2:18,19,22

Da 2:27-30; 4:9; Am 3:7; Mt 13:35; Joh 15:15; 21:22; Ac 1:7

Ro 11:33,34; 16:25,26; 1Co 2:16


Ps 78:2-7; Isa 8:20; Mt 11:27-30; 13:11; Joh 20:31; Ro 16:26

2Ti 1:5; 3:16

and to our.

6:7; 30:2

Judges 13:16-18

I will not.As I am a spiritual being, I subsist not by earthly food; and cannot partake of your bounty.

and if, etc.Rather, "but if thou wilt offer," etc.

unto thee.

23; 6:26


Why askest.

6; Ge 32:29

secret. or, wonderful.It was because his name was secret that Manoah wished to know it. But the angel does not say it was secret, but {hoo pailee,} "it is wonderful;" the very character given to the Messiah: "His name shall be called {pailai,} Wonderful," Isa 9:6.

Job 11:7


5:9; 26:14; 37:23; Ps 77:19; 145:3; Ec 3:11; Isa 40:28; Mt 11:27

Ro 11:33; 1Co 2:10,16; Eph 3:8

Proverbs 30:4

Who hath ascended.

De 30:12; Joh 3:13; Ro 10:6; Eph 4:9,10

who hath gathered.

Job 38:4-41; Ps 104:2-35; Isa 40:12-31; 53:8

what is his name.

Ex 3:13-15; 6:3; 34:5-7; De 28:58

and what.

Ge 32:29; Jud 13:18; Ps 2:7; Isa 7:14; 9:6; Jer 23:6; Mt 1:21-23

Mt 11:27; Lu 10:22

Isaiah 9:6

For unto.

7:14; Lu 1:35; 2:11

unto us a son.

Joh 1:14; 3:16,17; Ro 8:32; 1Jo 4:10-14

the government.

22:21,22; Ps 2:6-12; 110:1-4; Jer 23:5,6; Zec 6:12,13; 9:9,10

Mt 11:27; 28:18; 1Co 15:25; Eph 1:21,22; Re 19:16

his name.

7:14; Jud 13:18; *marg:

Jer 31:22; Mt 1:23; 1Ti 3:16


28:29; Zec 6:13; Lu 21:15; Joh 1:16; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3

The mighty God.

45:24,25; Ps 45:3,6; 50:1; Jer 23:5,6; Joh 1:1,2; Ac 20:28; Ro 9:5

Tit 2:13; Heb 1:8; 1Jo 5:20

The everlasting Father.

8:18; 53:10; Pr 8:23; Heb 2:13,14

The Prince of Peace.

11:6-9; 53:5; Ps 72:3,7; 85:10; Da 9:24,25; Mic 5:4,5; Lu 2:14

Joh 14:27; Ac 10:36; Ro 5:1-10; 2Co 5:19; Eph 2:14-18; Col 1:20,21

Heb 7:2,3; 13:20

Luke 1:19

I am.

26; Da 8:16; 9:21-23; Mt 18:10; Heb 4:14

and to.

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