Genesis 32:27-29


Thy name.

17:5,15; 33:20; 35:10; Nu 13:16; 2Sa 12:25; 2Ki 17:34; Isa 62:2-4

Isa 65:15; Joh 1:42; Re 2:17

Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty, surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.


24; Ho 12:3-5

with men.

25:31; 27:33-36; 31:24,36-55; 33:4; 1Sa 26:25; Pr 16:7


27; De 29:29; Jud 13:16-18; Job 11:7; Pr 30:4; Isa 9:6; Lu 1:19


26; 27:28,29; 28:3,4,13,14; Ho 6:1

Genesis 48:15-16


16; 27:4; 28:3; 49:28; De 33:1; Heb 11:21

did walk.

5:22-24; 6:9; 17:1; 24:20; 1Ki 3:6; Ps 16:8; Isa 30:21; Jer 8:2

Lu 1:6; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 1:12; Col 2:6; 1Th 2:12

fed me.

28:20,22; Ps 23:1; 37:3; 103:4,5; Ec 2:24,25; 5:12,18; 6:7

Isa 33:16; Mt 6:25-34; 1Ti 6:6-10


16:7-13; 28:15; 31:11-13; Ex 3:2-6; 23:20,21; Jud 2:1-4; 6:21-24

Jud 13:21,22; Ps 34:7,22; 121:7; Isa 47:4; 63:9; Ho 12:4,5; Mal 3:1

Ac 7:30-35; 1Co 10:4,9


Ps 34:2; Mt 6:13; Joh 17:15; Ro 8:23; 2Ti 4:18; Tit 2:14

my name.

5; 32:28; De 28:10; 2Ch 7:14; Jer 14:9; Am 9:12; Ac 15:17

grow into. Heb. as fishes do increase.

1:21,22; Nu 1:46; 26:34,37Fish are the most prolific of all animals: a tench lays 1,000 eggs, a carp 20,000, and Leuwenhoek counted in a middling sized cod, 9,384,000.

a multitude.

49:22; Ex 1:7; Nu 26:28-37; De 33:17; Jos 17:17

Exodus 3:13-15

What is his name.

14; 15:3; Ge 32:29; Jud 13:6,17; Pr 30:4; Isa 7:14; 9:6; Jer 23:6

Mt 1:21,23

I AM hath.

6:3; Job 11:7; Ps 68:4; 90:2; Isa 44:6; Mt 18:20; 28:20; Joh 8:58

2Co 1:20; Heb 13:8; Re 1:4,8,17; 4:8

The Lord.

6; 4:5; Ge 17:7,8; De 1:11,35; 4:1; 2Ch 28:9; Mt 22:32; Ac 7:32

this is my name for ever.The name here referred to is that which immediately precedes, [yhwh,] ,] {Yehowah,} which we translate "Lord", the name by which God had been known from the creation of the world, (Ge 2:2,) and by which he is known to the present day. [yhwh,] {Yehowah,} from [hwh,] {hawah,} to be, subsist, signifies "He who is", or "subsists", i.e., eminently and in a manner superior to all other beings; and is essentially the same with [ahwh,] {eheyeh,} "I AM", in the preceding verse.

Ps 72:17,19; 135:13; 145:1,2; Isa 9:6; 63:12

my memorial.

Ps 102:12; Ho 12:5; Mic 4:5; Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8

Psalms 46:7


11; Nu 14:9; 2Ch 13:12; Isa 8:10; Mt 28:20; Ro 8:31; 2Ti 4:22

our refuge. Heb. an high place for us.

9:9; *marg:

Psalms 46:11

the God.

1,7; 48:3; De 33:27; Jer 16:19
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