Genesis 33:1

1 Jacob and Esau's meeting; and Esau's departure.

17 Jacob comes to Succoth.

18 At Shalem he buys a field, and builds an altar, called El-elohe-Israel.

Esau came.

27:41,42; 32:6

And he.


Genesis 33:5

with. Heb. to. children.

30:2; 48:9; Ru 4:13; 1Sa 1:27; 1Ch 28:5; Ps 127:3; Isa 8:18; Heb 2:13

Daniel 8:3

I lifted.

10:5; Nu 24:2; Jos 5:13; 1Ch 21:16; Zec 1:18; 2:1; 5:1,5,9; 6:1

a ram.The Medo-Persian empire, of which a ram was the ensign; and a ram's head with horns, one higher than the other, is still to be seen on the ruins of Persepolis.

20; 2:39; 7:5

one.Media was the more ancient kingdom; but Persia, after Cyrus, was the most considerable.

5:31; 6:28; Ezr 1:2; 4:5; Es 1:3; Isa 13:17; 21:2; 44:28; Jer 51:11

the other. Heb. the second.

Daniel 10:5

and behold.

12:6,7; Jos 5:13; Zec 1:8; Re 1:13-15

a certain man. Heb. one man. clothed.

12:6,7; Eze 9:2


Isa 11:5; Eph 6:14; Re 1:13-15; 15:6,7


Jer 10:9
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