Genesis 36:12


22; 1Ch 1:36



14:7; Ex 17:8-16; Nu 24:18-20; De 23:7; 25:17-19; 1Sa 15:2,3-9

Genesis 36:16

Duke Korah.As it is certain from ver. 4, that Eliphaz was Esau's son by Adah, and from ver. 11, 12, that Eliphaz had but six sons, "Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz, and Amalek;" as is is also certain, from ver. 5, 14, that Korah was the son of Esau (not Eliphaz) by Aholibamah; and as the words duke Korah are omitted by both the Samaritan Text and Version, Dr. Kennicott pronounces them to be an interpolation.


Ex 15:15

Exodus 17:8-16

Ge 36:12,16; Nu 24:20; De 25:17; 1Sa 15:2; 30:1; Ps 83:7

unto Joshua.

13; 24:13; Nu 11:28; 13:16

Oshea. Jehoshua.

De 32:44

Hoshea. Called Jesus.

Ac 7:45; Heb 4:8


Nu 31:3,4

the rod.



Jos 11:15; Mt 28:20; Joh 2:5; 15:14

and Moses.



12; 24:14

Ps 56:9; Lu 18:1; 1Ti 2:8; Jas 5:16

Moses' hands.

Mt 26:40-45; Mr 14:37-40; Eph 6:18; Col 4:2

stayed up his hands.

Ps 35:3; Isa 35:3; 2Co 1:11; Php 1:19; 1Th 5:25; Heb 12:12; Jas 1:6

Jos 10:28,32,37,42; 11:12


12:14; 13:9; 34:27; De 31:9; Jos 4:7; Job 19:23; Hag 2:2,3

for I will.

Nu 24:20; De 25:17-19; 1Sa 15:2,3,7,8,18; 27:8,9; 30:1,17

2Sa 1:1,8-16; 8:12; 1Ch 4:43; Ezr 9:14

the remembrance.

Job 18:17; Ps 9:6; Pr 10:7

JEHOVAH-nissi. i.e., the Lord my banner.

Ge 22:14; 33:20; Ps 60:4

Because, etc. or, Because the hand of Amalek is against thethrone of the Lord, therefore, etc. the Lord, etc. Heb. the hand upon the throne of the Lord.

Isa 66:1; Ac 7:49

will have war.

Ps 21:8-11

Numbers 14:43

25; 13:29; Le 26:17; De 28:25


Jud 16:20; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 15:2; Isa 63:10; Ho 9:12

Numbers 14:45

the Amalekites.

43; Ex 17:16; De 1:44; 32:30; Jos 7:5,11,12


21:3; Jud 1:17

Numbers 24:20

the first of the nations. or, the first of the nations thatwarred against Israel.

Ex 17:8,16

his latter end.

Jud 6:3; 1Sa 14:48; 15:3-8; 27:8,9; 30:1,17; 1Ch 4:43; Es 3:1

Es 7:9,10; 9:14

shall be that he perish for ever. or, shall be even todestruction.

Ex 17:14; 1Sa 15:3,8

1 Samuel 15

1 Samuel sends Saul to destroy Amalek.

6 Saul favours the Kenites.

7 He spares Agag and the best of the spoil.

10 Samuel denounces unto Saul God's rejection of him for his disobedience.

24 Saul's humiliation.

32 Samuel kills Agag.

34 Samuel and Saul part.

A.M. 2925. B.C. 1079. An. Ex. Is. 412. The Lord.

17,18; 9:16; 10:1


16; 12:14; 13:13; 2Sa 23:2,3; 1Ch 22:12,13; Ps 2:10,11

I remember.

Jer 31:34; Ho 7:2; Am 8:7


Ex 17:8-16; Nu 24:20; De 25:17-19

Now go.The Amalekites, a people of Arabia Petræa, who inhabited a tract of country on the frontiers of Egypt and Canaan, had acted with great cruelty towards the Israelites on their coming out of Egypt, and God then purposed that Amalek, as a nation, should be blotted out from under heaven; but it had been spared till it had filled up the measure of its iniquities, and now this purpose is carried into effect by Saul, upwards of 400 years afterwards! Nothing could justify such an exterminating decree but the absolute authority of God; and this was given: all the reasons of it we do not know; but this we know well, the Judge of all the earth doeth right.

utterly destroy.

Le 27:28,29; Nu 24:20; De 13:15,16; 20:16-18; Jos 6:17-21


Ex 20:5; Nu 31:17; Isa 14:21,22

ox and sheep.

Ge 3:17,18; Ro 8:20-22


Jos 15:24

Telem. two.

11:8; 13:15

laid wait. or, fought.


the Kenites.

27:10; Nu 24:21,22; Jud 1:16; 4:11; 5:24; 1Ch 2:55

Go, depart.

Ge 18:25; 19:12-16; Nu 16:26,27,34; Pr 9:6; Ac 2:40; 2Co 6:17

Re 18:14

ye shewed.

Ex 18:9,10,19; Nu 10:29-32; 2Ti 1:16


14:48; Job 21:30; Ec 8:13

Havilah.This Havilah was probably situated in Arabia, and the district of Chaulon may mark the spot. It seems different from that encompassed by the river Pison, one of the rivers of Eden.

Ge 2:11; 25:18


27:8; Ge 16:7


3; Nu 24:7; 1Ki 20:30,34-42; Es 3:1


27:8; 30:1; Jos 10:39; 11:12

the best.

3,15,19; Jos 7:21

the fatlings. or, the second sort.

2Sa 6:13


repenteth me.

35; Ge 6:6; 2Sa 24:16; Ps 110:4; Jer 18:7-10; Am 7:3; Jon 3:10; 4:2


Jos 22:16; 1Ki 9:6; Ps 36:3; 78:41,57; 125:5; Zep 1:6; Mt 24:13

Heb 10:38

hath not performed.

3,9; 13:13

it grieved.

35; 16:1; Ps 119:136; Jer 9:1,18; 13:17; Lu 19:41-44; Ro 9:1-3

he cried.

12:23; Ps 109:4; Mt 5:44; Lu 6:12


25:2; Jos 15:55; 1Ki 18:42

he set him.

7:12; Jos 4:8,9; 2Sa 18:18

a place. Yad.Literally as the LXX. render [cheira,] a hand; probably because the trophy or monument of victory was in the shape of a large hand, the emblem of power, erected on a pillar. These memorial pillars were anciently much in use; and the figure of a hand, by its emblematical meaning, was well adapted to preserve the remembrance of a victory. Niebuhr, speaking of the Mesjed Ali, or Mosque of Ali, says that, "at the top of the dome, where one generally sees on the Turkish mosques a crescent, or only a pole, there is here a hand stretched out, to represent that of Ali." Another writer informs us, that at the Alhamra, or red palace of the Moorish kings in Grenada, "on the key-stone of the outward arch [of the present principal entrance] is sculptured the figure of an arm, the symbol of strength and dominion."


13:10; Ge 14:19; Jud 17:2; Ru 3:10

I have performed.

9,11; Ge 3:12; Pr 27:2; 28:13; 30:13; 31:31; Lu 17:10; 18:11

What meaneth.

Ps 36:2; 50:16-21; Jer 2:18,19,22,23,34-37; Mal 3:13-15; Lu 19:22

Ro 3:19; 1Co 4:5


9,21; Ge 3:12,13; Ex 32:22,23; Job 31:33; Pr 28:13


Mt 2:8; Lu 10:29


9:27; 12:7; 1Ki 22:16

When thou.

9:21; 10:22; Jud 6:15; Ho 13:1; Mt 18:4

the Lord.

1-3; 10:1

the sinners.

Ge 13:13; 15:16; Nu 16:38; Job 31:3; Pr 10:29; 13:21

they be consumed. Heb. they consume them.

fly upon.

Pr 15:27; Jer 7:11; Hab 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:10

didst evil.

2Ch 33:2,6; 36:12


13; Job 33:9; 34:5; 35:2; 40:8; Mt 19:20; Lu 10:29; 18:11; Ro 10:3

have brought.


the people.

15; Ge 3:13; Ex 32:22,23

Hath the Lord.

Ps 50:8,9; 51:16,17; Pr 21:3; Isa 1:11-17; Jer 7:22,23; Ho 6:6

Am 5:21-24; Mic 6:6-8; Mt 9:13; 12:7; 23:23; Heb 10:4-10


Ex 19:5; Ec 5:1; Jer 7:23; 11:4,7; 26:13; Ho 6:6; Mt 5:24; Mr 12:33


12:14,15; Nu 14:9; De 9:7,24; Jos 22:16-19; Job 34:37; Ps 107:11

Jer 28:16; 29:32; Eze 2:5-8

witchcraft. Heb. divination.

Ex 22:18; Le 20:6,27; De 18:10,11; Isa 8:19; 19:3; Re 22:15


2Co 6:16; Ga 5:20; Re 21:8

thou hast rejected.

2:30; 13:14; 16:1; 2Ki 17:15-20; 1Ch 28:9

I have sinned.

30; Ex 9:27; 10:16; Nu 22:34; 2Sa 12:13; Mt 27:4

I feared.

9,15; Ex 23:2; Job 31:34; Pr 29:25; Isa 51:12,13; Lu 23:20-25

Ga 1:10; Re 21:8


2:29; Ge 3:12,17; Jer 38:5


Ex 10:17

I will not.

31; Ge 42:38; 43:11-14; Lu 24:28,29; 2Jo 1:11

for thou.

23; 2:30; 13:14; 16:1; Jer 6:19; Ho 4:6


The Lord.

28:17,18; 1Ki 11:30,31

hath given.

2:7,8; Jer 27:5,6; Da 4:17,32; Joh 19:11; Ro 13:1

a neighbour.

13:14; 16:12; Ac 13:22

Strength. or, Eternity, or, Victory.

De 33:27; Ps 29:11; 68:35; Isa 45:24; Joe 3:16; 2Co 12:9; Php 4:13

will not lie.

Nu 14:28,29; 23:19; Ps 95:11; Eze 24:14; 2Ti 2:13; Tit 1:2

Heb 6:18

honour me now.

Hab 2:4; Joh 5:44; 12:43

that I may worship.

Isa 29:13; Lu 18:9-14; 2Ti 3:5


Agag said.

Jer 48:44; 1Th 5:3; Re 18:7

As thy sword.

Ge 9:6; Ex 17:11; Nu 14:45; Jud 1:7; Mt 7:2; Jas 2:13; Re 16:6; 18:6

Samuel.It has been a matter of wonder to many, how Samuel could thus slay a captive prince, even in the presence of Saul, who from motives of clemency had spared him; but it should be remarked, that what Samuel did here, he did in his magisterial capacity; and that Agag had been a cruel tyrant, and therefore was cut off for his merciless cruelties. Farther, it is not likely that he did it by his own sword, but by that of the executioner. What kings, magistrates, and generals do, in an official way, by their subjects, servants, or soldiers, they are said to do themselves:--{qui facit per alterum, facit per se.}


Nu 25:7,8; 1Ki 18:40; Isa 34:6; Jer 48:10





Samuel mourned.

11; 16:1; Ps 119:136,158; Jer 9:1,2; Ro 9:2,3; Php 3:18


11; Ge 6:6

1 Samuel 27

1 Saul, hearing David to be in Gath, seeks no more for him.

5 David begs Ziklag of Achish.

8 He, invading other countries, persuades Achish he fought against Judah.

A.M. 2946. B.C. 1058. An. Ex. Is. 433. And David.

16:1,13; 23:17; 25:30; Ps 116:11; Pr 13:12; Isa 40:27-31; 51:12

Mt 14:31; Mr 4:40; 2Co 7:5

I shall.This was a rash conclusion: God had caused him to be anointed king of Israel, and promised his accession to the throne, and had so often interposed in his behalf, that he was authorised to believe the very reverse.

perish. Heb. be consumed. there is nothing.

22:5; Ex 14:12; Nu 14:3; Pr 3:5,6; Isa 30:15,16; La 3:26,27

into the land.

10,11; 21:10-15; 28:1,2; 29:2-11; 30:1-3

David.This measure of David's, in uniting himself to the enemies of his God and people, was highly blameable; was calculated to alienate the affections of the Israelites; and led to equivocation, if not downright falsehood.

the six.

25:13; 30:8


21:10; 1Ki 2:40

with his two.

25:3,18-35,42,43; 30:5

he sought.


some town.

Ge 46:34; 2Co 6:17

Ziklag.Ziklag was at first given to the tribe of Judah, but was afterwards ceded to that of Simeon; but as it bordered on the Philistines, if they had ever been expelled, they had retaken it. Eusebius simply says it was situated in the south of Canaan.

30:1,14; 19:5; 2Sa 1:1; 1Ch 4:30; 12:1,20; Ne 11:28

the time. Heb. the number of days. a full year. Heb. ayear of days.


A.M. 2948. B.C. 1056. An. Ex. Is. 435. the Geshurites.

Jos 13:2,13; 2Sa 13:37,38; 14:23,32; 15:8; 1Ch 2:23

Gezrites. or, Gerzites.These people seem to be the Gerrhenians, (2 Mac 13:24) whose chief city, Gerrha, is mentioned by Strabo as lying between Gaza and Pelusium in Egypt.

the Amalekites.

Jos 16:10; Jud 1:29; 1Ki 9:15-17

as thou goest.

15:7,8; 30:1; Ex 17:14-16

left neither.

15:7; Ge 16:7; 25:18; Ex 15:22

and the camels.

15:3; De 25:17-19; Jos 6:21

Whither, etc. or, Did you not make a road. And David.

21:2; Ge 27:19,20,24; Jos 2:4-6; 2Sa 17:20; Ps 119:29,163

Pr 29:25; Ga 2:11-13; Eph 4:25

Against.David here meant the Geshurites, and Gezrites, and Amalekites, which people occupied that part of the country which lies to the south of Judah. But Achish, as was intended, understood him in a different sense, and believed that he had attacked his own countrymen. David's answer, therefore, though not an absolute falsehood, was certainly an equivocation intended to deceive, and therefore incompatible with that sense of truth and honour which became him as a prince, and a professor of true religion. From these, and similar passages, we may observe the strict impartiality of the Sacred Scriptures. They present us with the most faithful delineation of human nature; they exhibit the frailties of kings, priests, and prophets, with equal truth; and examples of vice and frailty, as well as of piety and virtue, are held up, that we may guard against the errors to which the best men are exposed.

the Jerahmeelites.

1Ch 2:9,25


15:6; Nu 24:21; Jud 1:16; 4:11; 5:24


22:22; Pr 12:19; 29:25

utterly to abhor. Heb. to stink.

13:4; Ge 34:30
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