Genesis 37:11


26:14-16; Ps 106:16; Ec 4:4; Isa 11:13; 26:11; Mt 27:18; Mr 15:10

Ac 7:9; 13:45; Ga 5:21; Tit 3:3; Jas 3:14-16; 4:5


24:31; Da 7:28; Lu 2:19,51

1 Samuel 1:4-8


Le 3:4; 7:15; De 12:5-7,17; 16:11

a worthy portion. or, a double portion.The Hebrew phrase, {manah achath appayim,} is correctly rendered by Gesenius, {ein Stud fur zwei personen, doppelle Portion,} "a portion for two persons, a double portion;" for {aph} in Hebrew, and [prosopon] in Greek, which literally mean a face, are used for a person.

Ge 43:34; 45:22

he loved.

Ge 29:30,31; De 21:15

shut up.

Ge 20:18; 30:2


Le 18:18; Job 6:14

provoked her. Heb. angered her.



when she. or, from the time that she. Heb. from her goingup.

why weepest.

2Sa 12:16,17; 2Ki 8:12; Job 6:14; Joh 20:13,15; 1Th 5:14

am not.

Ru 4:15; Ps 43:4; Isa 54:1,6

Psalms 106:16


Nu 16:1,3-50

the saint.

Ex 28:36; Le 21:6-8,10-12; Nu 16:7

Proverbs 14:30


4:23; Ps 119:80; 2Ti 1:7


Job 5:2; Ps 112:10; Ac 7:9; Ro 1:29; Jas 4:5


3:8; 12:4; 17:22

Ecclesiastes 4:4

every, etc. Heb. all the rightness of work, that this is theenvy of man from his neighbour.

Ge 4:4-8; 37:2-11; 1Sa 18:8,9,14-16,29,30; Pr 27:4; Mt 27:18

Ac 7:9; Jas 4:5; 1Jo 3:12

This is.

16; 1:14; 2:21,26; 6:9,11; Ge 37:4,11

1 Corinthians 3:3

for whereas.

1:11; 6:1-8; 11:18; 2Co 12:20; Ga 5:15,19-21; Jas 3:16; 4:1,2

divisions. or, factions. and walk.

Ho 6:7; Mr 7:21,22; Eph 2:2,3; 4:22-24; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:2

as men. Gr. according to man.

Galatians 5:21


De 21:20; Lu 21:34; Ro 13:13; 1Co 5:11; 6:10; Eph 5:18; 1Th 5:7


1Pe 4:3

that they.

Isa 3:11; Ro 2:8,9; 8:13; 1Co 6:9,10; Eph 5:5,6; Col 3:6; Re 21:27

Re 22:15


Mt 25:34; 1Co 6:10; 15:50; Eph 5:5
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