Genesis 37:18-19


1Sa 19:1; Ps 31:13; 37:12,32; 94:21; 105:25; 109:4; Mt 21:38; 27:1

Mr 12:7; 14:1; Lu 20:14,15; Joh 11:53; Ac 23:12

Behold.Simulated Irony: Where the words in question are used by man either in dissimulation or hypocrisy. For other instances of this figure see 2 Sa 6:20; Ps 22:8; Isa 5:19; Mt 22:16; 27:29; 27:40, 42, 43; Mk 15:29.

dreamer. Heb. master of dreams.

5,11; 28:12; 49:23; *marg:

1 Samuel 19:3-15

what I see.


spake good.

20:32; 22:14; Pr 24:11,12; 31:8,9; Jer 18:20

sin against.

2:25; Ge 9:6; 42:22; 2Ch 6:22; 1Co 8:12; 1Jo 3:15

because his works.

Ps 35:12; 109:4,5; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20

put his life.

28:21; Jud 9:17; 12:3; Ps 119:109; Ac 20:24; Php 2:30




11:13; 14:45; 17:52,53; Ex 14:13; 1Ch 11:14; Heb 2:3

sin against innocent.

20:32; Jer 26:15; Mt 27:4,24

without a cause.

Ps 25:3; 69:4; Joh 15:25


14:39; 28:10; Ps 15:4; Pr 26:24,25; Jer 5:2

he shalt not.


in times past. Heb. yesterday, third day.

16:21; 18:2,10,13; Ge 31:2; Ex 4:10; 1Ch 11:2; Isa 30:33; *margins


Ps 18:32-50; 27:3

him. Heb. his face

16:14; 18:10,11


6; Ho 6:4; Mt 12:43-45; Lu 11:24-26; 2Pe 2:20-22

he slipped.

20:33; Job 5:14,15; Ps 18:17; 34:19; Pr 21:30; Isa 54:17; Lu 4:30

Joh 10:39

and escaped.

Ps 124:7; Mt 10:23

sent messengers.

Ps 59:1; *title

Ps 59:3,4,6,15,16

to watch him.

Jud 16:2


Ps 34:19

let David.

Jos 2:15; Ac 9:24,25; 2Co 11:32,33

an image. Heb. teraphim.

Ge 31:19; *marg:

Jud 17:5; 18:14,17; Ho 3:4

a pillow.Rather, "the net-work of goat's hair at its (the Teraphim's) pillow;" for the {kevir,} (whence the Chaldee and Syriac {kavreetho,} a honey-comb, from its net-like form), seems to have been a kind of mosquito-net, which, says Dr. Shaw, is "a close curtain of gauze, used all over the East, by people of fashion, to keep out the flies." That they had such anciently cannot be doubted. Thus when Judith had beheaded Holofernes in his bed, (ch. 13:9, 15) "she pulled down the canopy (or the mosquito net, [ ,] from [ ,] a gnat, or mosquito, whence our word canopy) wherein he did lie in his drunkenness, from the pillars."

she said.

Jos 2:5; 2Sa 16:17-19; 17:20

Bring him.The eastern beds consist merely of two thick cotton quilts, one of which, folded double, serves as a mattress, the other as a covering. Such seems to have been the bed of David, which could easily have been carried, with himself in it, to the presence of Saul.

6; Job 31:31; Ps 37:12; Pr 27:3,4; Ro 3:15

1 Samuel 20:31-33


8; 19:6,11-15

shall surely die. Heb. is the son of death.

26:16; 2Sa 19:28; Ps 79:11; *marg:


19:5; Pr 24:11,12; 31:8,9; Joh 7:51

what hath.

Mt 27:23; Lu 23:22


18:11; 19:10,11; Pr 22:24; Ec 9:3; Jer 17:9


7; Ec 7:9


1 Samuel 22:14-19

And who.

19:4,5; 20:32; 24:11; 26:23; 2Sa 22:23-25; Pr 24:11,12; 31:8,9

the king's.

13; 17:25; 18:27


18:13; 21:2

Did I then.He seems to intimate, that his enquiring now for David was no new thing, having often done so before, without ever being informed it was wrong in itself or displeasing to the king.

the servant.

Ge 20:5,6; 2Sa 15:11; 2Co 1:12; 1Pe 3:16,17

less or more. Heb. little or great.


Thou shalt.

14:44; 20:31; 1Ki 18:4; 19:2; Pr 28:15; Da 2:5,12; 3:19,20; Ac 12:19

thou, and.

De 24:16; Es 3:6; Mt 2:16

footmen. or, guard. Heb. runners.

8:11; 2Sa 15:1; 1Ki 1:5

slay the priests.

13; 20:33; 25:17; 1Ki 18:4

would not.

14:45; Ex 1:17; 2Ki 1:13,14; Ac 4:19



he fell.

2Ch 24:21; Ho 5:11; 7:3; Mic 6:16; Zep 3:3; Ac 26:10,11

fourscore.The LXX. read, [tria kosious kai pente andras,] "three hundred and five men;" and Josephus, "three hundred and eighty-five men." Probably the eighty-five were priests and the three hundred the families of the priests; three hundred and eighty-five being the whole population of Nob.

2:30-33,36; 3:12-14

a linen ephod.

2:28; Ex 28:40


9,11; 21:1; Ne 11:32; Isa 10:32


15:3,9; Jos 6:17,21; Ho 10:14; Jas 2:13

with the edge.This is one of the worst acts of Saul's life: his malice was implacable, and his wrath cruel; and there is no motive of justice or policy by which such a barbarous massacre can be justified.
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