Genesis 37:25

they sat.

Es 3:15; Ps 14:4; Pr 30:20; Am 6:6


28,36; 16:11,12; 25:1-4,16-18; 31:23; Ps 83:6


31:21; 43:11; Jer 8:22

spicery.{Nechoth,} is rendered by the LXX. "incense;" Syriac, "resin;" Samaritan, "balsam;" Acquila, "storax;" which is followed by Bochart. This drug is abundant in Syria, and here Moses joins with it resin, honey, and myrrh; which agrees with the nature of the storax, which is the resin of a tree of the same name, of a reddish colour, and peculiarly pleasant fragrance.

balm{Tzeri,} which in Arabic, as a verb, is to flow, seems to be a common name, as balm or balsam with us, for many of those oily, resinous substances, which flow spontaneously, or by incision, from various trees or plants; accordingly the ancients have generally interpreted it resin.

myrrh.{Lot,} is probably, as Junius, De Dieu, Celsius, and Ursinus contend, the same as the Arabic {ladan}, Greek [ladanon,] and Latin {ladanum}.

Deuteronomy 3:25

the good land.

4:21,22; 11:11,12; Ex 3:8; Nu 32:5; Eze 20:6

Lebanon.Lebanon is a long chain of limestone mountains, extending from near the coast of the Mediterranean on the west to the plains of Damascus on the east, and forming the extreme northern boundary of the Holy Land. It is divided into two principal ridges, running parallel to each other in a north-north-east direction; the most westerly of which was properly called Libanus, and the easterly Anti-Libanus: the Hebrews did not make this distinction. It is computed to be fifteen or sixteen hundred fathoms in height. They are by no means barren, but are almost all well cultivated and well peopled; their summits being in many parts level, and forming extensive plains, in which are sown corn and all kinds of pulse. Vineyards, and plantations of olive, mulberry, and fig trees, are also cultivated in terraces formed by walls; and the soil of the declivities and hollows is most excellent, and produces abundance of corn, oil, and wine.

Song of Solomon 5:15


Re 1:15


Ex 26:19

his countenance.

2:14; Jud 13:6; Mt 17:2; 28:3; Ac 2:28; Re 1:16

as Lebanon.

4:11; Ps 92:12; Ho 14:7; Zec 9:17; 1Ti 3:16

Jeremiah 21:11

13:18; 17:20; Mic 3:1

Jeremiah 22:24


28; 37:1; 2Ki 24:6-8


1Ch 3:16


Mt 1:11,12

the signet.

6; So 8:6; Hag 2:23
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