Genesis 37:4

hated him.

5,11,18-24; 4:5; 27:41; 49:23; 1Sa 16:12,13; 17:28; Ps 38:19; 69:4

Joh 7:3-5; 15:18,19; Tit 3:3; 1Jo 2:11; 3:10,12; 4:20

and could not speak peaceably unto him.Or, rather, "and they could not speak peace to him," i.e., they would not accost him in a friendly manner: they would not even wish him well, in the eastern mode of salutation of, Peace be to thee! It is not an unusual thing for an Arab or Turk to hesitate to return the {salâm}, if given by a Christian, or by one of whom he has not a favourable opinion; and this may always be considered as an act of hostility.

Genesis 37:18-20


1Sa 19:1; Ps 31:13; 37:12,32; 94:21; 105:25; 109:4; Mt 21:38; 27:1

Mr 12:7; 14:1; Lu 20:14,15; Joh 11:53; Ac 23:12

Behold.Simulated Irony: Where the words in question are used by man either in dissimulation or hypocrisy. For other instances of this figure see 2 Sa 6:20; Ps 22:8; Isa 5:19; Mt 22:16; 27:29; 27:40, 42, 43; Mk 15:29.

dreamer. Heb. master of dreams.

5,11; 28:12; 49:23; *marg:

and let.

Ps 64:5; Pr 1:11,12,16; 6:17; 27:4; Tit 3:3; Joh 3:12


1Ki 13:24; 2Ki 2:24; Pr 10:18; 28:13

and we.

1Sa 24:20; 26:2; Mt 2:2-16; 27:40-42; Mr 15:29-32; Joh 12:10,11

Ac 4:16-18

Psalms 56:5


Isa 29:20,21; Mt 22:15; 26:61; Lu 11:54; Joh 2:19; 2Pe 3:16


1Sa 18:17,21,29; 20:7,33; Jer 18:18; Lu 22:3-6
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