Genesis 41:14


1Sa 2:7,8; Ps 105:19-22; 113:7,8

and they brought him hastily. Heb. made him run.

Ex 10:16; 1Sa 2:8; Ps 113:7,8; Da 2:25

he shaved.

2Sa 19:24; 2Ki 25:29; Es 4:1-4; 5:1; Isa 61:3,10; Jer 52:32,33

Genesis 41:42

his ring.

Es 3:10,12; 6:7-12; 8:2,8,10,15; 10:3; Da 2:46,47; 5:7,29; Lu 15:22

fine linen. or, silk.

Eze 27:7

a gold chain.

Pr 1:9; 31:22,24; So 1:10; Eze 16:10,11; Da 5:7,16,29; Lu 19:16-19

2 Kings 24:12


2Ch 36:10; Jer 24:1; 29:1,2; 38:17,18; Eze 17:12

officers. or, eunuchs. took him.

25:27; Jer 52:28,31

eigth year."Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year."

Jer 25:1; 52:28

Esther 4:4

chamberlains. Heb. eunuchs.

1:12; 1Sa 8:15; *marg:

2Ki 9:32; Isa 56:3; Ac 8:27

but he received it not.

Ge 37:35; Ps 77:2; Jer 31:15

Esther 8:15

royal apparel.

5:1; 6:8,11; Ge 41:42; Mt 6:29; 11:8; Lu 16:19

blue. or, violet.


and with a great crown.Mordecai was now made the chief minister, or vizier, instead of Haman; and was accordingly invested with the "royal apparel," in conformity to the custom of the East. So we are informed, in the History of the Revolt of Ali Bey, that on the election of a new {sheikh bellet,} or chief of the country, in Egypt, the {pasha} who approves of him invests him with a robe of valuable fur. Perhaps the crown was one of the insignia of the office of vizier. Concerning the blue, fine linen, and purple, see the Notes on Ex 25:4; 39:27.

the city.Haman was too proud to be popular: few lamented his fall.

3:15; Pr 29:2

Isaiah 61:3


12:1; Es 4:1-3; 8:15; 9:22; Ps 30:11; Eze 16:8-13

the oil.

Ps 23:5; 45:7; 104:15; Ec 9:8; Joh 16:20

the garment.

10; Zec 3:5; Lu 15:22; Re 7:9-14


60:21; Ps 92:12-15; Jer 17:7,8; Mt 7:17-19

that he.

Mt 5:16; Joh 15:8; 1Co 6:20; Php 1:11; 2Th 1:10; 1Pe 2:9; 4:9-11,14

Zechariah 3:4


1,7; 1Ki 22:19; Isa 6:2,3; Lu 1:19; Re 5:11


Isa 43:25; Eze 36:25; Ga 3:27,28; Php 3:7-9; Re 7:14

I have.

2Sa 12:13; Ps 32:1,2; 51:9; Isa 6:5-7; Joh 1:29; Ro 6:23; Heb 8:12

and I will.

Isa 61:3,10; Lu 15:22; Ro 3:22; 1Co 6:11; 2Co 5:21; Col 3:10

Re 19:7

Luke 15:22

the best.

Ps 45:13; 132:9,16; Isa 61:10; Eze 16:9-13; Zec 3:3-5; Mt 22:11,12

Ro 3:22; 13:14; Ga 3:27; Eph 4:22-24; Re 3:4,5,18; 6:11; 7:9,13,14

Re 19:8

a ring.

Ge 41:42; Es 3:10; 8:2; Ro 8:15; Ga 4:5,6; Eph 1:13,14; Re 2:17

and shoes.

De 33:25; Ps 18:33; So 7:1; Eze 16:10; Eph 6:15
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