Genesis 41:33-40


Da 4:27

look out.

Ex 18:19-22; De 1:13; Ac 6:3

officers. or, overseers.

Nu 31:14; 2Ki 11:11,12; 2Ch 34:12; Ne 11:9

and take.

Job 5:20; Ps 33:19; Pr 6:6-8; 22:3; 27:12; Lu 16:5


48,49,56; 45:6,7


Ex 4:13

that the.


perish not. Heb. be not cut off.


the thing.

Ps 105:19; Pr 10:20; 25:11; Ac 7:10


Jos 22:30; 2Sa 3:36; 1Ki 21:2

in whom.

Nu 27:18; Job 32:8; Da 4:6,8,18; 5:11,14; 6:3


Thou shalt.

39:4-6; 45:8,9,26; Ps 105:21,22; Pr 22:29; Da 2:46-48; 5:29; 6:3

be ruled. Heb. be armed, or kiss.

1Sa 10:1; Job 31:27; Ps 2:12

1 Samuel 7:3-6

A.M. 2884. B.C. 1120. An. Ex. Is. 371. return.

De 30:2-10; 1Ki 8:48; Isa 55:7; Ho 6:1,2; 14:1; Joe 2:12,13

put away.

Ge 35:2; Jos 24:14,23; Jud 2:13; 10:6


De 30:6; 1Ch 22:19; 28:9; 2Ch 30:19; Job 11:13,14; Pr 16:1

Jer 4:3,4; Eze 18:31; Mt 15:8; Joh 4:24

serve him.

De 6:13; 10:20; 13:4; Mt 4:10; 6:24; Lu 4:8

Jud 2:11,13; 10:15,16; 1Ki 11:33; Ho 14:3,8


Ne 9:1; Joe 2:16


12,16; 10:17; Jos 15:38; Jud 20:1; 2Ki 25:23

I will pray.


drew water.Grotius says, that the pouring out of water means the shedding of tears; and the Targum reads, "And they poured out their hearts in penitence, as waters, before the Lord." Others suppose that it was done emblematically, to represent the contrition of their hearts, and their desire to wash away their past offences. But some learned men conceive that it was poured out as a libation, in token of joy, after they had fasted and confessed their sin, as they were wont to do in the feast of tabernacles. (See note on Nu. 29:35.)

1:15; 2Sa 14:14; Job 16:20; Ps 6:6; 42:3; 119:136; Jer 9:1

La 2:11,18; 3:49


2Ch 20:3; Ezr 8:21-23; Ne 9:1-3; Da 9:3-5; Joe 2:12; Jon 3:1-10

We have sinned.

Le 26:40; Jud 10:10; 1Ki 8:47; Ezr 9:5-10; Job 33:27; 40:4; 42:6

Ps 38:3-8; 106:6; Jer 3:13,14; 31:19; Lu 15:18


Jud 3:10; Ne 9:27; Eze 20:4

Proverbs 28:23

27:5,6; 2Sa 12:7; 1Ki 1:23,32-40; Ps 141:5; Mt 18:15; Ga 2:11

2Pe 3:15,16

Isaiah 42:2

Zec 9:9; Mt 11:29; 12:16-20; Lu 17:20; 2Ti 2:24; 1Pe 2:23

Isaiah 42:4

shall not.

9:7; 49:5-10; 52:13-15; 53:2-12; Joh 17:4,5; Heb 12:2-4

1Pe 2:22-24

discouraged. Heb. broken. and the isles.

12; 2:2-4; 11:9-12; 24:15,16; 41:5; 55:5; 60:9; 66:19; Ge 49:10

Ps 22:27; 72:8-11; 98:2,3; Mic 4:1-3; Zec 2:11; Ro 16:26; 1Co 9:21

James 1:20

3:17,18; Nu 20:11,12; 2Ti 2:24,25

James 3:17-18

the wisdom.

15; 1:5,17; Ge 41:38,39; Ex 36:2; 1Ki 3:9,12,28; 1Ch 22:12

Job 28:12,23,28; Pr 2:6; Isa 11:2,3; Da 1:17; Lu 21:15; 1Co 2:6,7

1Co 12:8


4:8; Mal 3:3; Mt 5:8; Php 4:8; Tit 1:15; 1Jo 3:3


1Ch 22:9; *marg:

Isa 2:4; 9:6,7; 11:2-9; 32:15-17; Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14


Isa 40:11; 1Co 13:4-7; 2Co 10:1; Ga 5:22,23; Eph 5:9; 1Th 2:7

2Ti 2:24; Tit 3:2


Joh 1:14; Ac 9:36; 11:24; Ro 15:14; 2Co 9:10; Php 1:11; Col 1:10


2:4; Mal 2:9; 1Ti 5:21

partiality. or, wrangling. hypocrisy.

Isa 32:6; Mt 23:28; Lu 12:1,2; Joh 1:47; Ro 12:9; 1Pe 1:22; 2:1

1Jo 3:18

the fruit.

1:20; Pr 11:18,28,30; Isa 32:16,17; Ho 10:12; Mt 5:9; Joh 4:36

Php 1:11; Heb 12:11


Mt 5:9
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