Genesis 43:11

If it must be.

14; Es 4:16; Ac 21:14

carry down.

32:13-21; 33:10; 37:25; De 33:14; 1Sa 9:7; 25:27; 1Ki 4:21; 10:25

1Ki 15:19; 2Ki 8:8; 16:8; 20:12; Ps 68:29; 72:10; 76:11; Pr 17:18

Pr 18:16; 19:6; 21:14; Eze 27:17

a little balm.

37:25; Jer 8:22; Eze 27:15

balm.For an explanation of the words {tzori, nechoth,} and {lot,} here rendered respectively balm, spices, and myrrh, see on ch. 37:25. {Devash,} honey, is supposed by some not to have been that produced by bees, but a syrup produced from ripe dates. The Jewish doctors observe, that the word in 2 Ch 31:5 signifies dates; and the Arabians, at this day, call the choicest dates preserved with butter, {dabous,} and the honey obtained from them, {dibs,} or {dabs.} {Benanim,} nuts signifies pistachio nuts, the finest thing found in Syria; but, according to the others, a small nut, the produce of a species of the turpentine tree. {Shekaidim} is certainly almonds.


Le 20:24


1Ki 10:15; So 4:10,14-16; 5:1; 8:14

1 Samuel 25:17-35


20:7,9,33; 2Ch 25:16; Es 7:7

a son of Belial.

25; 2:12; De 13:13; Jud 19:22; 2Sa 23:6,7; 1Ki 21:10,13

2Ch 13:7

that a man.

20:32,33; 2Ki 5:13,14

made haste.

34; Nu 16:46-48; Pr 6:4,5; Mt 5:25

took two.The Eastern bread is generally both thin and small; and answers to our cakes.

Ge 32:13-20; 43:11-14; 2Sa 17:28,29; Pr 18:16; 21:14

two bottles.That is, two goatskins' full.

five sheep.Not one sheep to one hundred men.

clusters. Heb. lumps. Raisins dried in the sun.

2Sa 16:1

cakes of figs.Figs cured and then pressed together. Now all this provision was a matter of little worth; and had it been granted in the first instance, it would have perfectly satisfied David, and secured his good offices.


Ge 32:16,20


Pr 31:11,12,27


2Ki 4:24

she came down.David was coming down mount Paran; Abigail was coming down from Carmel.


13; Job 30:8; Ps 37:8; Eph 4:26,31; 1Th 5:15; 1Pe 2:21-23; 3:9

he hath requited.

Ge 44:4; Ps 35:12; 38:20; 109:3-5; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20; Ro 12:21

1Pe 2:20; 3:17

So and more.Nothing can justify this conduct of David, which was rash, unjust, and cruel in the extreme. David himself condemns it, and thanks God for being prevented from executing this evil. (ver. 32-34.)

3:17; 14:44; 20:13,16; Ru 1:17

if I leave.


any that pisseth, etc.This seems to have been a proverbial expression among the Israelites; and may with the utmost propriety be read "any male."

1Ki 14:10; 16:11; 21:21; 2Ki 9:8


Jos 15:18; Jud 1:14


20:41; 24:8


2Ki 4:37; Es 8:3; Mt 18:29


28; Ge 44:33,34; 2Sa 14:9; Phm 1:18,19

let thine.

Ge 44:18; 2Sa 14:12

audience. Heb. ears.

regard. Heb. lay it to his heart.

2Sa 13:33; Isa 42:25; Mal 2:2

man of Belial.


Nabal. that is, fool.

as the Lord liveth.

34; 22:3; 2Ki 2:2; 4:6

and as thy.


the Lord hath.

33; Ge 20:6


Ro 12:19,20

avenging thyself. Heb. saving thyself.

Ps 18:47,48; 44:3

now let.

2Sa 18:32; Jer 29:22; Da 4:19

blessing. or, present.

30:26; Ge 33:11; 2Ki 5:15; 2Co 9:5

follow. Heb. walk at the feet of.

42; *marg:

Jud 4:10; 2Sa 16:2



the Lord.

15:28; 2Sa 7:11,16,27; 1Ki 9:5; 1Ch 17:10,25; Ps 89:29


17:47; 18:17; 2Sa 5:2; 2Ch 20:15; Eph 6:10,11

evil hath.

24:6,7,11,17; 1Ki 15:5; Ps 119:1-3; Mt 5:16; Lu 23:41,47

bound.The metaphors in this verse are derived from the consideration, that things of value are collected together, and often tied up in bundles, like sheaves of corn, to prevent their being scattered and lost, and that whatever is put into a sling is not intended to be preserved, but to be thrown away.

2:9; Ge 15:1; De 33:29; Ps 66:9; 116:15; Mal 3:17; Mt 10:29,30

with the Lord.

Joh 10:27-30; 14:19; 17:21,23; Col 3:3,4; 1Pe 1:5

sling out.

Jer 10:18

as out of the middle of a sling. Heb. in the midst of thebow of a sling.


13:14; 15:28; 23:17; Ps 89:20

grief. Heb. staggering, or, stumbling.

Pr 5:12,13; Ro 14:21; 2Co 1:12


33; 24:15; 26:23; 2Sa 22:48; Ps 94:1; Ro 12:19


40; Ge 40:14; Lu 23:42
David overlooks the rich and seasonable present of Abigail, though pressed with hunger and wearied with travel; but her advice, which disarmed his rage, and calmed his revenge, draws forth these high and affectionate gratulations. These were his joyful and glorious trophies; not over his enemies, but over himself.

Ge 24:27; Ex 18:10; Ezr 7:27; Ps 41:12,13; 72:18; Lu 1:68; 2Co 8:16


Ps 141:5; Pr 9:9; 17:10; 25:12; 27:21; 28:23

which hast.



26,31; 24:19; 26:9,10

kept me back.



18; 11:11; Jos 10:6,9

there had.


Go up.

20:42; 2Sa 15:9; 2Ki 5:19; Lu 7:50; 8:48


Ge 19:21; Job 34:19

Job 42:8-9

Therefore.From this it appears that Job was considered as a priest, not only to his own family, but also to others. For his children he offered burnt offerings, (ch. 1:5,) and now he is to make the same kind of offerings, accompanied with intercession, in behalf of his three friends. This is a full proof of the innocence and integrity of Job.

seven bullocks.

Nu 23:1,14,29; 1Ch 15:26; 2Ch 29:21; Eze 45:23; Heb 10:4,10-14


Mt 5:23,24


1:5; Ex 18:12

my servant Job shall.

Ge 20:17; Isa 60:14; Jer 14:11; 15:1; Eze 14:14; Heb 7:25; Jas 5:14

1Jo 5:6; Re 3:9

him. Heb. his face, or person.

9; 1Sa 25:35; Mal 1:8,9; Mt 3:17; Eph 1:6


Ps 103:10; 2Ti 4:14


34:31,32; Isa 60:14; Mt 7:24; Joh 2:5; Ac 9:6; 10:33; Heb 11:8

Job. Heb. the face of Job.

8; 22:27; Pr 3:11,12; Ec 9:7

Proverbs 15:18


10:12; 26:21; 28:25; 29:22; 2Sa 19:43; 20:1; Jas 3:14-16


1; 25:15; Ge 13:8,9; Jud 8:1-3; 1Sa 25:24-44; Ec 10:4; Mt 5:9

Ac 6:1-5; Jas 1:19,20

Proverbs 16:14


19:12; 20:2; Da 3:13-25; Lu 12:4,5


17:11; 2Ki 6:31-33; Mr 6:27


Ec 10:4; Ac 12:20; 2Co 5:20

Proverbs 21:14


17:8,23; 18:16; 19:6; Ge 32:20; 43:11; 1Sa 25:35

in secret.

Mt 6:3,4
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